↯ selflove

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- it's okay not to be okay all the time.
- don't care what others think about you. You wasn't born to impress them.
- selflove isn't selfish it's important.
- when you know your worth, no one can make you feel worthless.
- fall in love with yourself first
- don't allow anyone, to make you feel you're not good enough.
- only compare yourself to your previous self.
- your life isn't your's if you always care what other's think.
- focus on yourself. don't get lost in other people.
- ne who you needed when you were younger.
- if you don't heal what hurt you, you'll on people who didn't cut you.

- die wichtigste Beziehung in deinem Leben, ist die zu dir selbst.
- wer sich selbst finden will, darf andere nicht nach dem Weg fragen.
- du bist der wichtigste Mensch in deinem Leben, also behandle dich auch so.
- sei du selbst. Alle anderen gibt es schon.

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