Auctor short #4

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"We need to hurry!
 John says looking behind him. A woman at about 22 answers him. 
"Don't worry, they won't dare shoot us when there are so many witnesses."
The two sat uncomfortably waiting for the next stop. Knowing at any point something bad could happen. They had been working for a secret services group for about 6 months, and yet they were already in the heat of a stealth war.
Suddenly, a car stopped right in front of the bus, causing it to stop abruptly.
"The harne-" \Bang!\
Johns head slams into the seat ahead of him. 
"That hurt alot more than I thought." He said aloud.
The woman behind him dashed around, checking for head trama. 
"We need an ambulance!" She called to the driver. 
"The line is dead!" 
Two men emerged from the car with rifles in hand. "Come on John we have to go! The dibtital data... oh crap."
A man outside of the action sat in a tall chair. "Touge twisted much Rachel? Let's start from the top!"
She sighed before looking back at the actor Sid. He sat there inaudible, mumbling under his breath. 
"Man, your really good at acting!" She then examined the fake wounds.
 "Hey, did you guys give him two bags of blood?" 
"I didn't think so." The director told her.
She tapped him on the shoulder, as he fell flat on his face on the ground.
"This guy deserves an Oscar!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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