"Youre being ridiculous"

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"Father please don't make me go." I said pulling the my bed covers over my head.

"Aurora you're being ridiculous, it won't be that bad." My dad said, pulling the sheets off of me. "Just get ready and meet your mother and I downstairs." He walked out of the room.

I went pulled the covers back on and tried to go to sleep again.

"QUICKLY AURORA!" He said which made me quickly get up and get ready.

I got ready in a oversized t-shirt and some pants that were a little big but ripped. Most my clothes was packed away in my suitcases. Where am I going? Hogwarts.

I really don't want to go. I was perfectly fine at my old magic school. Ilvormorny. Great friends. Good grades. I was well known at ilvormorny. I'm a pureblood which I don't really care much about but other people do. My family expect me to marry another pureblood. I'm not really sure if I would or not. My uncle, Sirius Black, was close to me. We could barely see eachother though, my parents still hadn't made up their mind about liking Sirius or not. I do. I know he's innocent. We've gotten close this year. He's explained to me his life and I came to a conclusion that he's innocent and a cool person.

He told me that Hogwarts was great and how much fun he had. Of course, with great friends who understand you, you might have a good time. But being a transfer, with no friends, it wouldn't be much fun. Sirius told me about his godson. Harry. I've heard story's about him. At ilvormorny, and from Sirius. He'd be on the paper and father would talk about him at the dinner table or with guest if we had any. I would listen in too.

After getting ready, I went downstairs where my mom and dad were now eating breakfast.

"Morning, hungry dear?" My mom asked getting up to serve me a plate.

"Oh uh no thanks." I said grabbing an apple and a bottle of water. She had a little worry on her face and sat back down, continuing to eat.

While my parents were eating, I got bored and started to change my nails different colors. Being a Metamorphmagus has its up and downs. For instance, I can change myself to look like anyone. Change my hair color, length, and I could morph my nose. But, whenever I some type of emotion, my hair changes to that color. It kinda sucks to be honest. My hair gives my emotions away, and someone once called me a freak because my hair changed colors and looks "weird".

"Alright Aurora, we've got to go. Grab your things, were taking the floo network." Mom said as she walked to the fireplace. My dad helped me with my bags and we stepped into the fireplace and arrived at the train station.

I've been here before. But I don't remember how, or why. It just seems so, familiar. I think I've been here when I was younger.

"Alright, it says here we have to go to platform 9 3/4." I said turning to my dad. He's been to Hogwarts so he knows where we're going. He lead the way. He pulled my hand through a crowd of people, my mom following right behind.

During the chase, I accidentally bumped into a guy with brunette hair and was a few inches taller. He turned around and saw me and shot a disgusted look on his face. Damn someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Before I could apologize, my dad people me to a stop. We were now in front of a brick wall.

My eyes widened at the sight of the guy I just bumped into was now running through that brick wall. My parents and I ran through the wall one by one. On the other side it was full on people of all ages.

"Honey, your ends are blue." My mom said combing through my hair. Sometimes I think my parents are ashamed of me being a Metamorphmagus. Whenever my hair changes color, my parents point it out to me and make me change it back to normal.

"Oh sorry" I apologized and changed my hair quickly. Blue means I'm excited. It's weird because I have mixed emotions. Do I want to go? Do I not?

My parents and I shared a quick goodbye. It's like they needed to be somewhere. Where?

If you don't know already, my parents are very secretive. They never told me why we actually moved to the UK. And they never told me much about my childhood when I asked. They always had things to do and places to be. I don't know much but it has to do with Hogwarts in a way.

I stepped on the train and made my way to the back. I didn't really know anyone so I planned on moving to a compartment that was empty.

Honestly, empty compartments are hard to find. But a lot of people sit with their friends so it might be easier.

Once I found an empty compartment, I sat down at the seat nearest the window and leaned my head against it. We were still at the train station until the train started moving. This is going to be one hell of a year.

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