Chapter two: The plan

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When I answered the phone I couldn't believe who it was, it was Derwin I nearly dropped the phone when I heard his voice, to hear the voice of the man that killed my mother right in front of me how dare he call me. Even, though he is my brother legally I still hate him and I don't consider him no brother or mines anymore. I was interrupted from my thoughts as he spoke.

"Hello Kayla" he said

"Hello Derwin" I said with nervously

"Well well I heard that today was moms burial today" he said

"Umm yeah it was" I said with a crack in my voice

"I also heard that when I got arrested and went to court that you had told them that I shot mom and that you knew because you were in the house" he said

"Ummm yes I did" I said frightened now

"Well then just know that when I get out of here that me and my crew are coming for you and Sidney, so enjoy your little peaceful life for right now but just know that I'll be coming for you guys soon" he said with a deep and dark tone in his voice. I then began to panic and start shaking trying to figure out how to protect me and Sidney.

"Well I guess you don't have nothing to say now so ha and I got to go but see you soon little sis" he said while chuckling on the other line before hanging up.

I felt my heart sink to my stomach with fear of him hurting Sidney or me I knew then that I had to do anything humanly possible to protect Sidney even if that meant that we had to leave the city and state and change our names and phone numbers, I don't care as long as he cant find us well be fine. I then headed upstairs to our room and quietly climbed into bed next to Sidney.

The Next Day

This morning I woke up to the spongebob theme song which told me that Sidney was up watching tv, I decided to tell her about my plan to leave until I knew for sure where we are going and what job I can find there since I only have $300 dollars saved up and $500 dollars from moms insurance money. When I got up and went down stairs I saw Sidney sitting on the couch all ready and dressed for school.

"Good morning Sid are you ready for school today?" I said with a smile

"Good morning Kayla and yes" she said

"Alright and hey Sid when you get home from school have to have a talk about something important ok" I said

"Alright" she said

We then heard the bus outside and I sent her off, I wish I didn't have to take her away from our home but we can't stay here and be put in danger. I have always dreamed about living in Los Angeles so I guess I could call around for a house or apartment and a job there I just hope I can find something soon.

1 hour later

Well after an hour of searching and calling around I finally found a place for us to live that I can afford at $200 dollars a month and it's in a great school district area for me and Sid and I found a job that is hiring as a maid for $10.50 dollars and hour and I have and interview on Tuesday with them. Now all I have to do is tell Sidney and get packed and settled in by Monday. I really hope she understands why we have to leave. I then sit on the couch watching tv waiting for Sidney to get home any minute now.

"Hey Kayla I'm home where are you?" I said

"Hey Sid I'm in the living room come have a seat" I said

"So what did you want to talk to me about?" She said

"Ok so do you remember our brother Derwin that hurt mom" I said

"He's not my brother anymore and yes he's still in jail right?" She asked with a little bit of anger in her tone

"Yes thankfully he's still in jail but yesterday after we came from the burial service he called me and said that he found out that I told the police that he shot her and he said that when he gets out him and his bad friends are coming after you and me like he did mom" I said

"What he can't do that can he?" She yelled with fear

"Unfortunately he can when he gets out and I promised myself that I wouldn't let him hurt you or me so I wanted to tell you the reason why we will have to do what I'm about to say" I said calmly

"Ok so what are we going to do?" She said

"Well I was thinking that are only option is to move out of the city and state and move somewhere he can't find us but that would mean that we would have to leave our friends and family behind, and would have to change our names also I have been calling around today and I found a condo that I can afford that is near a good school district and I can get a job as a maid that pays decent money and still be able to go to school everyday like you and I'm telling you this because we would have to start over I order to protect ourselves" I said. she stood there for a minute trying to think while shedding a few tears then finally spoke.

"Ok so even though I hate the idea of having to leave our family and friends I still think that it's a good idea to move in order to protect ourselves and I think mom would have did the same" she said

"Alright then that's what we'll do" I said while smiling and hugging her

"Hey can I pick out my new name since we will have to change them?" She said

"Yes of course you can, so now I must tell you that we need to be moved by Monday and that we will change our names when we get there and that once we change our names there is no looking back, lastly you can not tell anyone that we are leaving no one and when we get there you can no longer associate with them anymore it's for our safety and there's and you will no longer be know as Sidney are you still ok with that?" I said

"Yes I'm still ok with that and I understand" she said

"Ok then we'll start packing some stuff today and and then finish up Saturday morning and then leave Saturday evening ok" I said

"Ok" she said

I'm so glad that Sidney is willing to change her whole life around to keep each other safe. We almost end finished packing our stuff now it's off to bed so tomorrow we can begin our new life.

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