Contest Number 15 Results!

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Hello everyone and thank you all for participating!  It was such a treat to read all your heartfelt poems!  

Third place goes to @TamashaWrites with the poem Mother||G !  

The second place winner is @NaveyLee with the poem My Story!  @NaverLee , please let me know if you have a poetry book you would like me to add to my Poetry Reading List:)

And first place is awarded to @Disha_2007  with the poem, Tell Me You'll Be There, Mom! @Disha_2007 , is it alright with you if I fix the couple of typos in you poem and put it on my instagram?  I can send you the picture before I post it if you want.  

Also, Discover-Gems has reached out to me and they are wondering if I'd be interested in partnering with them with these poetry contents.  The winners on here could be featured on their blog.  I thought I'd ask what I guys thought of this before giving them a reply, but I need to reply before the 8th of May so whatever the majority consensus is by then, I'll go with:)

Thank you for participating and keep an eye out for the next contest! 

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