the plot against Aurora.

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Aurora stared at the blank motionless wall, the same cream tone covering all of it. All Aurora had was her cat, Luna who had been there for her at the hardest of all times. Luna was saved by Aurora in 1968, two years ago. They always dreamt of of living in their own treehouse, in a forest with just them and not having to share with a bratty little sister, like Matilda.

Matilda had silky brown hair always up in a high bun with a pink ribbon. Matilda's bonnet hat always had to be neatly placed; otherwise she would throw a tantrum and interrupt the whole place. Her bratty attitude still let the parents favourite her because of her looks.

Aurora was not considered very pretty to her parents. Her endless brown eyes and honey-blonde hair had always never met the beauty standards, even though Aurora was a very generous and loving person.

"Aurora. Downstairs now. Don't make me-"
Aurora dashed down as fast as she could, looking at every vintage painting, and every family photo she had not been included in. She stared down at her feet as she entered the kitchen, knowing bad news was to come.

lright. we didn't want to give u this news but we are putting you into the bethany oaks orphanage. We are tired of your backchat, and constant jealousy and discrimination towards Matilda. We will be replacing you with a German child who knows how to behave."

Aurora could not believe any word of that. The words started to race in her mind; moving away, orphanage, backchat, discrimination... none of any of the sentence sounded like Aurora. It had always been that Matilda would shove her against the wall, made Aurora make her food, and make her tidy.

Aurora peered out of the corner of her eye to see Matilda snigger and mouth: "i'm a good liar, right!"
Even though Aurora had the chance to stand up for herself, she couldn't. All she wanted to do was get out of this house, and live a free life with Luna in a forest where they can breathe in the air and finally have time to themselfs.

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