Chapter 9

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The first successful soul part2

Micheall: BTW! Mr. Smith how old are you now?

Drei: Twenty-three? Why do you ask?

Micheall: Oh wow!

Nathan: Are we that young

Drei: Well You, Alec, and Karl are 3 years younger than me. While Micheall and John are 5 years younger than me.

Thea: Oh my goodness! For real?

Alec: Yes

Jinaly: you're the same age as me, Ema, Rina, Julika and Thea

Frost: While me, Drake, Daniel, and Yuri are 21

Liam: I'm 22

Stella: 18

Lily: 19

After 5 minutes of talking a portal appear again and It's was an unexpecting guess who arrived it was Andrei's Father Nigelle Smith.

Drei: Well long time no see Father

Nigelle: Huh?

*Everyone stares at Nigelle*

Nigelle: Andrei?

Thea: Mister Smith their's two Andrei in this realm.

*Nigelle points a gun in Althea's forehead*

Althea: Oh dear

Nigelle: Can you shut up

*Drei points his fingers at his father*

Drei: Put down the gun 

Nigelle: And Why?

Drei: Why? It's because you're pointing the gun in my girlfriend's forehead!

Nigelle: Your what!?

Drei: My girlfriend!

Frost: Leave us alone Nigelle

Nigelle: Oh! You must be Prince Frost

Everyone expects Althea, Jamila, and Drake: PRINCE!!!!

Drake: It's a long story

Drei: And Shut up Dad
*Drei blast one of his power to his father and knock him out*

Althea: Oh my

Daniel: Now can you explain yourselves you two.

*Frost and Drake look at each other*

Frost: Well

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