It's Like All The Wallpaper Inside My Heart Is Slowly Slowly Peeling Off

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(Bucky goes by James and him and Loki are both innocent of any crimes so are free to work. Also if something is said in a language other than English I'll tell you, and instead of using " " around the sentence I'll use ' ')

     Peter groaned as his alarm clock woke him up, he was so not ready for another day of school. Luckily, it was Friday, and he would have a whole weekend of not going to school and all he would have to do is go into work Sunday evening. He turned off his alarm, stumbled out of bed, and then walked over to his dresser to pick out his clothes. He decided on wearing a light pink sweater, ripped light blue skinny jeans, and a yellow beanie (if you know, you know). He then made his way to the bathroom across the hallway and hopped in the shower real quick. When Peter had moved in with Matt, Loki had also just moved in and James had already been living there, so to be frank, it was rather cramped in Matt's small apartment. They had begun searching for a bigger apartment and had eventually stumbles upon a really nice four bedroom that was affordable. James had gotten a job as a mechanic at a shop down the street from their apartment, Loki had gotten a job at a lgbtq+ library down the street, and Peter had gotten an after school job on the café side of the library. With all their pay put together, and the food Matt got from his job, they were rather well off and even had a good amount of money to spare after rent.

     Shaking himself out of thought, Peter hopped out of the shower and got dressed, before opening the door and heading to the kitchen where James was already up and cooking everyone breakfast. Peter took a seat at the table, signed good morning to James, and soon after James was setting a plate of dippy eggs, potatoes, and bacon in front of him. 'Thank you Jamey' he signed, and then began eating with James, soon after followed by Loki and Matt who joined them minutes later. After Peter finished eating, he grabbed his backpack and put on his checkered vans. Waving goodbye, he opened the door to leave, before stopping in his tracks. There was a baby in a basket. On their doorstep...

     He turned around, and shouted "Guys, there's a baby on the doorstep!" Immediately, he heard the sound of three chairs scraping against the floor and footsteps coming towards him. Before they got over to them, he turned back around, grabbed the baby, and turned back into the house, walking inside and closing the door behind him. Seconds later, all three of his roommates were in front of him. "Who would drop a baby on our doorstep? Have they met us, I mean we're the four least capable people to take care of a baby." James says in confusion. "I don't know, how about we check the basket for a note." Loki responds sarcastically. They all make their way into the living room and sit on the couch, where Peter sets the basket on the cushion beside him. When Matt motions for him to go, he picks the baby up, and finds two pieces of paper in the bottom of the basket. He sets the baby down on his lap, and picks the pieces of paper up, finding that the first one is a letter, so he reads it first without opening the second one.

Dear Peter,

I know you're probably really confused right now. I left a baby on your doorstep and you have know idea why I did or even who I am. Well, it's me, Emilio and we met at a party ten months ago. We both got drunk, did somethings we probably shouldn't have, and I got pregnant. I know it's hard to believe, but she's yours, seeing as there's literally no one else she could have been from. I know this might be a lot to ask because I just sprung this on you, but please take care of her. I wouldn't be asking you to parent her by yourself if I had any other choice, but I don't have any. 

Goodbye for now, Emilio

Peter sat there in shock for a few seconds, before a was startled out of it by the baby stirring in her sleep. He gently rocked her until she was sleeping peacefully again, and then he grabbed the other piece of paper and unfolded it, finding it was a birth certificate. The certificate told him her that her name is Rio Jade Serenia Hernandez-Parker and that her birthday is October 31. Realizing that Loki and James are staring at him, he hands them the papers and lets them read it to Matt. While they read, Peter had about 3000 realizations. He was a Father now, a whole person was depending on him now. He was also only sixteen. how the fuck was he going to take care of a baby? Babies cost millions of dollars that he didn't have. He was now a single Father and he had only just met his child that was already roughly a month old, she had no clue who he was. What if she hated him? What if he was a terrible Father? Who was going to watch her in the day? How was he to pay for daycare if no one could watch her? Daycare was sure to cost more than he could afford. He then realized, he wouldn't have to do it alone. It wasn't just him, he had James, Loki, Matt, Wade, Natasha, Clint, and Erik and he was positive they would help him and that none of them would abandon him for being a teen Father. His thoughts were interrupted by his phone vibrating in his pocket, and he was momentarily glad he had his phone on vibrate, because if he hadn't the ringing would surely have woken Rio. Digging his phone out of his pocket he saw it was his school and he answered it with a sigh.

"Hello, Peter Parker speaking." Peter said as soon as a answered the phone.

"Hi Peter, this is Midtown High, we were just wondering why you aren't in school, and why you didn't call in if you're sick." He assumed it was the school secretary who responded.

"Sorry, a family emergency came up, and I've yet to have a chance to call." He answered her, trying to get the call over quickly.

"I hope you don't mind me asking. but your records say you don't have any living family members, do you mind elaborating?" Peter really wanted to punch the lady, who he now dubbed Karen, in the face at the moment, and by the looks of it, so did James, Loki, and Matt.

"Well, it appears your records are wrong then ma'am, because I happen to have a daughter." He said venomously, wishing even more so that the call would end.

It appears he was out of luck, because she just had to keep talking. "Well, that can't possibly be true, you're only sixteen, I'm going to have to insist you stop lying and come in to school."

Oh, he would be, and when he did he would make sure he got the lady fired. "Alright ma'am, I hope you don't mind if I ask you tell the Principal to clear his schedule for a meeting with me and my lawyer." He then hung up and tossed his phone on the couch beside him. He sighs, it's going to be a long day, he can tell.

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