Welcome to camp part 2

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Rose POV "Now let's meet my co-counselor Gwen who's in a middle of a camp activity right now oh my your going to love her good morning Gwen~" man is this guy excited "motherfucker" he finally pulls open the door to see a tall black skinned lady yelling with a bunch of wild kids "nurf you don't crank shit get down from there space kid" man did this lady sound done with all of this "oh dear" David said running of to at least to stop some of this "what is going on here" Nancy said worriedly looking around at all of this i really don't blame her I mean what the hell is going on here max caught off my train of thought by saying "I'm telling you if we leave now I can hot wire the bus" "this is amazing" Noah said pulling us all along we look over to see David turning off the fan "buzz kill" said the bully fat kid and anyone one with a homemade spacesuit on "ahh I'm okay" "what the gosh darn heck happened" "ugh space kid just you know PUSHING Me to the limit again" I guess the lady Gwen said looking really tired "I will achieve space flight" wow this kid really into space I guess "but we have new campers we need to introduce and orientate!" Yeah that was a interesting meeting and than David gave us a pin that hurt Nancy:"ow" Gwen:"Jesus that right okay let's show them the video" David:"actually,I was thinking I could play them that song I've been-" Gwen:"I'm gonna stop you,right there no I'll get the laser disk" is it weird I kinda want to hear it David:" o-Kay! All you campers head over to the activity field for your afternoon sessions" *noises of complaints* wow they must really hate going there David grab max before he can escape David:" uh-uh.not you,max" max:"dammit" Nancy:" Will someone please talk to me about science camp none of those kids looked too science-y" rose:"yeah what about survival camp I want to learn about hunting and outdoor stuff" Noah:"what about that astronaut kid?" Nancy:" astronauts the wanna be jocks of the scientific community?please." Rose"thing girl you throwing shady on all astronauts" Gwen came back with a huge disk that looked way to big to fit in anything and gave it to David and left David:"don't you worry kiddos this video will explain everything it was put together by our founder Cameron Campbell back when I was an eager young camper just like yourselves he was an absolute legend- oh sorry is an absolute legend" Rose" sorry David but you still are a eager camper and do you have a man crush on this m-" I was cut off by a ladder falling down and a man come down in his underwear and than right back up fully clothed did a homeless perverted old man break in here and David still talking not noticing I mean come on how can you notice that the security around here sucks but there nothing good to steal anyway unless someone takes a kid which would be really easy in that case David:"a savy businessman extraordinary philanthropist and one heck of an adventurer if I do say so myself" we were all staring blankly 😑 at him waiting for him to realize what was happening David:"oh it true mr Campbell doesn't often have time to come visit the camp anymore what with him traveling the globe and,I'm assuming saving lives but he'll always live on in our hearts and minds it's like the man always said:we're here to have a great summer and campe diem" oh my god I'm just looking at Who I Assume to be Campbell I mean I hope he is rather that a crazy old man and I can tell all those things are not true David:"oh if only he were here now" mr Campbell:"I'm here now" David made a really goofy face and drop the disk breaking it David:"*gasp* mr Campbell? Wh- what are you doing here sir?" Are you kidding me how did he not notice any of that Mr Campbell:"*laughing* well I'm certainly not hiding from any authorities if that's what you're thinking" well if that's not a huge red flag than I don't know what is David:"what" mr Campbell:"haha come on davey you think I'll miss the opportunity to welcome our new Campbell campers to Cameron Campbell's camp Campbell" does this guy like hearing is own name or what Gwen:"you have for years sir" mr Campbell:"haha oh grace you slay me" Gwen:"it's......Gwen" she somehow said while being choked Mr.Campbell:"what did I say" Noah:"hey brawny guy this is adventure camp right" Noah:"yeah so far every attempt to answer our questions just raises more questions" Rose:"yeah we want answers are there going to be hell to pay" max:"hey good for you ,you starting to catch on!" Yeah this camp a huge scam and we're just dollar signs to this man but i did sign up for survival camp and if I can survive this than I can do anything Campbell:"haha don't worry kids these two will take you on a tour of our great camp and answer any questions you might have"*car screeching* two cops outside and Campbell quickly closing the blinds Campbell:"in fact we should go on that tour right now all of us together away from this spot" pushing us all outside *instrumental* David:"here at camp Campbell we pride ourselves on the variety of our curriculum" Gwen:"there's extreme sports camp,magic camp,space camp,theatre camp,art camp dolph:"it's a dog" other magic camp, magic kid:"lightning bolt" and lots more.lots of stuff" Noah:"how much more stuff" David:"well I'm glad you asked because I have a little song that I can sing-" Gwen:"no" David:"when Gwen not around" Gwen:"by the way mr Campbell now that you're here maybe we can discuss just exactly how we're meant to operate at this scale-" Campbell:"is that kid trying to escape"
Seeing max trying to run away and we see a max look a like doll how he make that so fast max:"if I can just get to that bus before it heads back ah" running into David I don't know how he got there so fast do this camp give you super speed or something oh wait I forgot cartoon logic 😒 (stop breaking the fourth wall) I don't know as the main character I should break it and hey can you just time skip this part (no and this isn't a marvel comic stop trying to be Deadpool, Deadpool:"did someone say my name hey kids and other lazy couch potato people out there" get OUT NOW Deadpool:"Fine holy chimichangas of stan lee heaven I can take a hint just not with the ladies my face might be mess up but I still get them that should tell you I'm great in-" DEADPOOL, Deadpool:" I can tell your anger IS OVER 9000 haha references okay okay there are a lot of fanfiction that would love to have this sweet bod especially ones with my little Underoos or my bestie Wolverine we so close they call us the spongebob and squidword for mommy and daddy's so I take my r rated jokes and positive things but time is money later dorks and fan girls call me 🤙" back to the story no more breaking the fourth wall)okay for now David:"looks like knitting camp wasn't as stupid as someone said huh max? Max:"you are the bane of my existence" David:"all right now let's go" Nancy:"excuse me what the hell is this" we see a poor excuse of a science camp I mean wow David:ah I see you found it that my friend is science camp" Nancy:"but but but this isn't what I signed up for I just wanted science camp not science camp and more! I don't want more" Campbell:"well that's why you read the fine print sport see right there and more now you can't sue us" rose:"wow there a special place in hell for people like you" Campbell:"my I hope so I hate waiting in line" and than went completely back to ignoring me Noah:"so what it's just some sort of camp camp" Campbell:"we'll I mean I wouldn't exactly call it out like that but yes " Nancy:"this is bullshit" and everyone stopped max:"woah check out the balls on new kid" Noah:"where?"'looking down Nancy:"I done know what kind of operation you think you're running but I won't stand for it I'm a  woman of science you think you can rummage together some outdated equipment and call it a laboratory!?" Gwen:"look kid I know it's not-" Campbell:"stand down Gretchen I'll speak to the children kids I'm going to be blunt and honest with you when I opened camp Campbell all those years ago I had one goal and one goal only-" what play of the innocence of kids and scam them for your own gain Campbell:"to create the most popular and successful summer camp in the world but times have changed things like the internet ,video games, and the affordable care act ruining this great country of ours,and the children of today just aren't interested in a traditional summer camp but America isn't a traditional country so why settle for anything less you've got two acceptable counselors one hell of a quartermaster and endless possibilities here at camp Campbell and by god as long I'm here" *tires screeching* *gunshots* Campbell:"code black code black" a helicopter ladder came down Campbell:"we'll look at the time gotta go" David:"sir where are you going" Campbell:"the nearest international waters Davey have a great summer kids" Campbell:"*fading away* and campe diem " *gunshots* *tire screeching* Noah:"he seems nice" rose:"yeah in a crazy prison smoking meth kind of way" Gwen :"oh god it's all coming back the crippling anxiety and regret" rose:"that's what pills are for just don't wash it down with alcohol that's how you get a problem sister" David:"uh Gwen" QM:"we'll time to be getting that there bus back to that there city" max:"rose and Nancy that bus is our only Chance out of here do you want to spend the rest of your summer at this godforsaken place or do you want to enjoy the sweet taste of freedom?" Nancy look around thinking I wasn't going to escape but I have fun Gwen:"why did I get a liberal arts degree" rose:"I'm in if you are" Nancy:"let's get the fuck out of here" Noah:" making a break for it I can make a distraction for you" rose:"oh that's sounds cool I help with that part" max"why would you help us" Noah:" i'm a agent of chaos" rose:"five for that brother" giving him a high five Noah:"cool hey David how about you pick up our spirits with that camp song you won't shut up about" rose:"yeah but make it really up beat and not to sappy okay" David:"we'll that's a great idea" Gwen:"oh Jesus Christ no" (not writing that but it basically the theme song) we started to run while he was distracted Gwen:the kids are gone  " and look to see are doll look a likes we run past QM QM:"no running" David and Gwen:"(it's sucks) I'm sorry I'm sorry (it always sucks) I'm—" QM:"no running" max:"there it is" Nancy:"there right behind us" rose " hurry up than" David:"max get back here you are a bad influence on our new campers" max:"never" Noah:"max hurry" David was about to grab max hoodie but Noah throw his pin and made David and gwen trip max:"remember this face David cause you'll never see it again" cut to see the bus crash and cops sheriff:" i'm getting real tired of having to come up here David" David:"I know sal" max:"we were so close" rose:"I mean not really we're kids in the woods with no idea to go or food so?" Nancy:"well I mean in hindsight none of us really know how to drive" Gwen:"yeah honestly max how far did you expect to make it" rose:"but it was fun" Noah:"yeah same I just always wanted to drive a bus" David:"well kids I hope we all learned something today" rose:"I mean not really but you can keep thinking that if you want" max:"on no I hope YOU learned David I hope you learned that before today you only had one little bastard to deal with but now you've you got four let's go guys I'll take you to our tent" Noah:"woohoo this is going to be awesome" rose:"bye idiots I hope to do this again real soon" I said turning around and holding a peace sign gwen:"this is gonna be awful" David:"oh come on gwen look at the bright side max made not one not four but three new friends today" pulling out a guitar and Gwen grabbing it and hitting him on the head *david screams in terror and pain* wow what a interesting place I might stay a little while

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