chapter 1

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recently i broke off a 2 year relationship with a girl named leah, i broke up with her because i realized that i wasnt attracted to women... i am gay i think? she was really mad about it, so she kicked me out of the house we were living in together.

so now, i am at my best friend mike's doorstep, hoping to crash on his couch, until i can find a house to buy/rent.

i knocked on mike's door. he immidiately opens the door.

"hey y/n"

"hey mike.. i was wondering if i could crash on your couch for a bit?"

"sure man. any time! but did something happen?"

"yeah. me and leah broke up so she kicked me out."

"awwh, im really sorry to hear that." mike started to frown.

then i walked inside and set one of my bags down, the rest of them were in my car.

"do you mind if i ask.. why did you two break up?"

"oh, we broke up because.. ive realized something. ive never found a woman attractive... like, i thought that i just had picky taste. but later on i found out that im actually gay. which makes sense.."

"I KNEW IT!!" mike shouted in a proud tone.. yeah, of course he knew. he knows me very well.


"so my buddy, billie, who im in a band with, hes actually looking for a roomate."

"oh sick"

"yeah hes actually gonna stop by tomorrow too. maybe you can get to know each other too!"

"oh that would be cool, cant wait!"

mike had this look on his face : 😏 hes planning something for sure..

"MIKE, what are you planning, i can see that look on your face."

"y'know.. he's your type too.."


"ok man. whatever."

mike, already tryna set me up with some guy, i mean, i appreciate it, but im not sure if i wanna be in a relationship right now.

roommates | billie joe armstrong x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now