Hope begins to shine

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All men are not created equal, it's a sad reality that one Izuku Midoriya had to learn at a young age. About a hundred years or so ago a glowing baby was born in Qingqing City, that was the first instance of a quirk ever appearing. All of the sudden the world was thrown into chaos, as people started to use their new found powers in the name of villainy. But as with all things in life, there comes a force to balance everything out once more. People started to go out and commit acts of vigilantism in the name of justice, these were the first modern day heroes. Fast forward about five years or so and in comes a scientist by the name of Satoru Kamishiro, who wanted to create a paradise of sorts that everyone could enjoy. However almost immediately after the launch of his new program called EDEN, he suffered an injury due to a tragic accident, or so they say. Our story starts off with a scrawny young boy, holding out on the hope of finally manifesting a power and being accepted by society.
    "BANG", a loud noise can be heard from inside a small park, near the middle of Musutafu Elementary where a small playground can be seen. A small green haired child is standing in front of a downed brown haired child, whilst staring down 3 other children. One of them is a chubby boy with red devil wings, the second is a black haired boy who has his fingers elongated, the final kid is a blonde haired red eyed child, who at the current moment is making explosions out of his hands. All three of the children have savage grins on their faces, staring down at the two opposing boys as though mocking their very existence. The blond especially so, although one could compare him to a small angry blond pomeranian.
"Oi, shitty Deku" the blond haired pomeranian shouted, "what do ya think you're doing."

"Kaachan I'm not letting you hurt him anymore, what you're doing is mean" Izuku whimpered whilst holding up his tiny fists in self defence. Even despite knowing that he would fail and get severely injured, the small bean chose to do what's right and protect others. However "Kaacha" would have none of it, thinking that Izuku was weak and pathetic.

"Do you really think that you can stand a chance against me, the mighty Katsuki
Bakugou, future number one hero" Katsuki shouted. He then bum rushed Izuku and hit him with his explosion quirk. The other two boys proceeded to go and assist Bakugou in his endevour to severely harm the smol bean. After fifteen minutes of beating up Izuku they all finally stopped. Bakigou began to shout, "ha see for yourself how weak and pathetic your are, stupid Deku". Bakugou and his cronies then leave Izuku laying on the floor broken and bleeding. The kid who Izuku had protected, left him to take a beating not even saying thank you to him.

"Ow, why does Kaachan always have to be so harsh and mean to me" Izuku complained. Izuku starts to walk home, slowly but surely with bruises and cuts in his little body.

As Izuku walks in the door of his home he heads towards the first aid kit that his mom had kept in the bathroom. Izuku quickly and expertly cleans and bandages his wounds with practiced ease, rushing to finish before his mom could notice. He did not want his mom to worry about him being bullied, knowing she already has enough to worry. Just as Izuku was finishing up and putting the first aid kit back in its place, as he hears his mothers foot steps coming closer. Izuku rushed towards the front door and pretends as though he had just walked inside the apartment.

"Izuku how was your day at school?" His wonderful and caring mother Inko asks him as she walks towards him.

"School was fine as always mom" Izuku exclaimed, trying to sounds as convincing as he could, but only made him look suspicious in his mother's eyes. Inko starred at her child, trying to understand what he was hiding before giving up thinking that he would tell her soon enough.

"Well ok then, whatever you say well go to your room, you should find a gift that your father sent you from America" Inko stated, even though she and her husband had divorced years ago, Hishashi still cared for Izuku, enough for him to send a gift every once in a while.

"Really, he really sent me a gift?" Izuku could feel his body start to vibrate in excitement, hoping that his father had sent him a cool All Might action figure or the like. Instantly he runs upstairs ignoring his mothers calls of not running in the house or being careful. Reaching his room Izuku throws his door open and sees a tiny box wrapped in red wrapping paper with a golden bow on top of it. Sitting on his bed and opening it Izuku finds two tickets and a letter addressed to him.

"Dear Izuku,

    Hi it's your father Hishashi, how ya been you doing good in school I hope, well anyways just wanted to send you these tickets as a late birthday gift since I missed your last one. They are to the new EDEN closed beta testing, I won them in a company wide raffle and thought that you and your mom could use a day of just rest and relaxation for once. Make sure you and your mother have a wonderful time at the beta testing.
                                        Your Father

Izuku stands there silently, his small brain trying to understand what he just read, mostly due to only being able to read half the words. He was pleasantly surprised that his father had done this for him and his mother, as fast as lightning he was up and running to tell his mother the good news.

It's been a month since Izuku's dad had sent the tickets for him and his mother to attend the closed beta testing. The mother and son could be seen walking towards the Kamishiro building, entering it and seeing all the wonderful displays that they had made for the testers. But as Izuku walked past one of the displays he noticed something move out of the corner of his eye, a strange green frog-like monster with dark sea blue stripes going from its front to it's back in a diagonal direction and an orange fin on its back. As soon as he saw it, they disappeared off of the screen thinking that he had just imagined it. Izuku continued on his way, not knowing that his life would soon change.

The midoriya family walks right into the main testing area, to wait for the presentation to begin. Just as Izuku is about to take a seat something bumps into him and sends him tumbling towards the ground.

"Sorry" a quiet, timid voice can be heard as a small feminine hand reaches for Izuku's own hand. "I wasn't looking where I was going. It's my fall, my name is Yuuko, it's nice to meet you". The prettiest girl he had ever met greeted him, her hair was a mix between navy blue and black, while she wore a white sweater with black sleeves and black pants.

"It's fine, my name's Izuku Midoriya" he responds just as the lights begin to dim, which meant that the explanation for the beta testing was about to begin.

"Sorry but I have to leave now, it was nice meeting you Midoriya san" Yuuko muttered as she began to head towards a seat closer to the stage.

"Wait a minute," Izuku calls out, "do you think we could play together in the beta testing". The girl seems to think about it for a while before nodding slowly and motioning for him to join her in the sitting down. "Great, can't wait until we can play there, what do you think is going to be in it?" Izuku questions as the representative starts to talk about how they are going to be splitting the testers into groups.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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