Chapter 2 - Madder than the hatter

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"Rewind. What do you mean you're her daughter?" Mr Stark laughs in confusion.

"Well, when two people love each other very much-"

"Stop being smart, what do you mean Wonderland?" They watch as you spin the axe out of existence. "And how do you do that?"

"It's called Wonderwisp, a magic only royal bloodlines can access, it's like... uhm, well what is your equivalent?"


"No, I'm pretty sure Queen Elizabeth is a lizard in disguise," the silver boy says in thought as the spider boy bursts into laughter.

"I think thats a different type of magic, but the great news is you have a queen, so if you'd gladly show me the way I think a Royal to Royal talk would be more suited,"

"Fun fact, Princess, we aren't ruled by royalty, kinda past that whole ruler phase," The man with a bow and arrow seemed to fiddle with the thought of being on alert.

"And if royal tongue is what you seek, then let us be of assistance," the Raven man and blonde other step forward. "Prince Loki of Asgard, God of mischief and Lies, rightful heir to the throne of Jotunheim,"

"Prince Thor of Asgard, god of Thunder, first born son of Odin, heir to the throne of Asgard,"

"Apologies, your highnesses, I hadn't recognised you," curtsying again, Thor laughed and shook his head.

"Do not worry, we are all of the same means on this planet,"

"Same means?" You scoff, looking up and regretting your respect. "Not all, royalty keeps hierarchy and the lesser in their place. People are made to be ruled, not run free like dizzying Dally Does!"

"Sound like someone we know?" Mr Stark muses to the blonde.

"Forgive me, Princess Y/n, but we must accept social standards set in this realm," Thor laughs making you sneer in confusion.

"Forgive me, Prince Thor, but I don't need to lower myself to be liked by..." you laugh at the group for a moment. "Humans,"

"Are you not human?"

"I'm Wonderlandian, honestly, how horrid are you education systems? Don't tell me children aren't taught the simplest things,"

"None of us have heard of Wonderland-"

"Beyond children's books," the spider-boy finally uncovered his face. "Alice's adventures in wonderland,"

"Alice? Her again?? One time she falls down and now the only way for my people to be acknowledged is from a book written about her?!" Stomping your heel into the ground. "OFF WITH HER HEAD!" You scream out making a flamingo appear and hit you over the head. "Why you little-" two chalk dusters appear again. "Lovely pink piffy puffs,"

"This is gibberish," Wanda tilts her lips.

"Besides the height on tipsy toes no hare will fight their witty foes," you note. "That is gibberish, actually gibberian, but you know, you people like to fix your words," your hand waves the mad-less air. "So, since you know who I am, I ask of your names before I go and find actual company,"


"Earth's mightiest heroes, huh? Well, what a cute little club you got going on but I need to find a way back to Wonderland," conjuring a small compass it seemed to point North. "Oh come on! Stupid little thing," you toss it to the ground and sit on the ground with a huff.

"It's pointing North..." Peter holds it to the team.

"Exactly! It's not working meaning there's no madness here," you look and see them confused. "Madness Meter, points towards an opening to Wonderland, it's meant to spin until a small light leads the way, don't you have those for your... treasure hunts?"

"No?" Bruce looked unsure but nods when Tony assures there wasn't anything like that.

"Shame... well, just point towards the nearest Wonderwell so I can call for help," you tap both boots together and summon a cloak with a hood over your head.


"This planet is stupid," kicking a stone away, the team watched you walk off in frustration.

"Wait! Hey, we can probably help you," Sam rushed over.

"No, I don't think so," you summon a map which started to form before your eyes.

"Listen, Y/n, we can help if you just let us,"

"It's princess Y/n, princess, got it?" you growl, ruffling the parchment which was tossed on the ground to spin and create a portal. "Good day,"

Silence filled once your figure fell into the gap, Sam looking back to the group a few meters behind. "I think she's-"

"Fiddle sticks!" Your scream was heard from above, a red figure hurdling towards the group. They all scattered, Thor pushing Loki towards the danger as a sacrifice. Your body hit the god's arms in a curled form making him glare at Thor for his actions.

"What just happened?"

"This realm is messing with my Wonderwisp!" Clambering off in anger and hitting the dirt ground, you start to stomp your feet and yelling at the air before snapping your head to a bush. "Don't you laugh!"

"She's mad," Pietro laughs in disbelief as you summon an axe and land it into the bush which wilted immediately, a weird creature leaving it just in time.

"Off with your head! Off with your head! Off with your head!" Swinging about the weapon, you let it land right in the trunk of the tree between Tony and Clint. As the souls left the men's bodies, an alarm suddenly rung causing everyone to jump.

You took off your tiara and reached into the supposed gap only for your hand to disappear through and pull out a clock hanging by a gold chain like a pocket watch.

"I needed a good cup of tea," jumping up, it seemed for a moment you were made of feathers, landing on a metal chair and in front of a table filled with tea and treats.

"I thought that was the Mad Hatter's thing?"

"It is, but he has an effect on me..." you sip mindlessly as bubbles floated from the spout of a colourful teapot, it's matching twin pouring it's contents onto a stack of teacups. "Wait... Jefferson?"

All eyes look to Bucky who quirks a brow. "Who?"

"Oh... wrong universe, it seems," a finger tapped lightly on your lip in thought. "Oh well, can never be madder than the hatter as they say,"


Oop- Y/n can fourth wall break? Just you wait!

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Oop- Y/n can fourth wall break? Just you wait!

- Anna ❤️

All the way from Wonderland: Loki x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now