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"Lily come back here" shouted Louisana, in annoyance of her younger sister. Lily is running all around the house with Louisana's secret diary. Louisana however hated anyone touching anything that belonged to her  especially her diary. "no, come and get it if you really need it" 

"Kids dinner's ready" Jay their mother called, the 5 quickly came to the dining table. As soon as they sit down Louisana starts to complain about Lily stealing her diary, Jay tried to calm her down but that went even horrible and soon Lily starts to join in and the two teens start to argue.

 Fizzy was very sensitive  so she started crying and Jay had to step in and stop the argument. Louisana got her diary back and they were both sent to their rooms.

Being sent to their room was not a big deal to them because they had everything they needed inside there and they never needed to go outside because they did not have any friends, they didn't mind that because they had each other. and living with 5 sibling was more than enough for them.  

Louisana and Lily fought a lot but they were best friends otherwise, only few minutes later, Louisana heard a knock on the door "come in". "hey" Fizzy says entering the room and sitting on louisana's bed  and not long after Lily joins. 

"So...are you excited for tommorw?" Lily asks, Louisana nods hesitantly not sure how to answer her sisters question.

"Aren't you afraid that we will get bullied" fizzy said, and Louisana puts an arm out for her sister and fizzy goes and cuddles with her sister," I will protect you at any cost, and if someone bully's you  than they will get a peace of my mind so don't worry" Louisana says putting a smile on her face.

 After few minutes fizzy leaves the room, and Lily and Louisana are about to really talk without scaring their sister. " Lucy, are you really that sure that we won't get bullied on the first day of school? I mean look at us, we have never went to a real school before. What if people think we're weird?" Lily states more than asked. Lucy however tried her best to not let her siblings down. " I don't know Lil's, maybe real school is not as bad as we think it is, maybe we are just  over thinking it" "maybe" and with that jay comes in and tells the girls it's their bedtime, the girls say good night and go to their own rooms and get ready to sleep.

{Louisana's pov}

after my sisters left the room I gave it a thought, about being bullied in school. To be honest, I am terrified of that happening but I still have to put on a brave face just for my sisters. fizzy is going into 5th grade, Lily in 7th and me in 8th. Lily and I had to stay back a year while we were just in first and second grade. Lily was like my bff because growing up we didn't have any friends we were homeschooled.  Troy my bio-logical dad did not want us going to real school and get influenced by the types of people that go their, Jay my mom did not think the same but had no choice as she was scared to stand up to him but when troy took it too far mom divorced him and now she is a single mom for 5 children. But unlike other families we aren't as poor, we have a pretty decent amount of money that we need and our mom is working day and night to provide us with the niceties, I truly love my mom.

My train of thoughts were interrupted by two toddlers crying, it was my brothers, they always cry around this time. Mom can't look after the kids all the time so she hired a babysitter for my brothers but since we are home all the time it was like we all were being cared of, and I absolutely love 'Anne' she is the best babysitter you could ever ask her.

next morning 

In the morning, I am the second one to wake up after my mom. My mom wakes up at 5:30am and leaves for work and comes back at 5:30pm. I however wake up at 7:00am but since from on I have to go to school, I have to wake up an hour early just to make breakfast for my siblings. Anne always came around 7:30 because she also had a son who I think she said was my age or something...but yeah, she needs to get her son ready for his school and than come here. It's like her second home although I have never seen her son before. I have seen her daughter, Jessy. Jessy always came to pick up Anne after her work was done and Jessy seemed like a nice girl 

I got the food ready and by the time I was done, fizzy came down rubbing her eyes" Lucyyy, I wannttt fooooodddd" says fizzy in a lazy tone as she just woke up. "Okay, sleepy head get on the chair I will give you a bowl of cereal

"hey, where is Lily today?" I asked as I served fizzy her breakfast. 

" I dunno, she must've slept in  or something" fizzy says smelling her cereal.   

"Okay, well you eat I'll go wake her up" I say leaving to Lily's room.

 I walks in on a crying blond girl, faced towards the window.  I slowly go up to her she wipes the tears as she faces me "Why are you crying Lil's?" I asked worried. "nothing, I was just scared of going to a public school, I'm just afraid people won't like me there " she said trying to stop her tears from falling down." Don't worry Lil, everything will go fine. If you ever feel unconfutable you can come to me. I promise everything will go fine" I say trying to calm my sister down, at that Lily burst out in my arm, for a few moments we sit there until Lily  stopped crying. 

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