Presents and Promises

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(Age: 4)

“Will Mummy come home for Christmas?” Luke asks, as Harry tucks his son into bed, and Harry freezes.

“Uh,” He manages to say, wracking his young mind for a better answer, “Remember. Mummy is in heaven.”

Luke’s big eyes begin to water, and Harry begins to go into panic mode.

“But how will she get her gift?” Luke asks, and Harry’s eyebrows knit together.

“What gift bud?” He asks, and Luke reaches under his pillow, his little hand pulling out a piece of paper which as four, carefully drawn stick figures on it. He hands it over to Harry who holds it gingerly, his hands beginning to shake.

“It’s our family,” Luke whispers, and Harry keeps his eyes on the paper, because he knows if he looks at his son, he’s going to start crying, “You, Louis, me and Mummy.”

A wet blotch falls onto Louis’s round stick figure head, and another lands on the sun that Luke has scribbled onto the sky in the picture.

“Don’t cry daddy,” Luke insists, crawling out from under his covers and onto Harry’s lap, taking the picture from Harry’s hands, and wrapping his arms around Harry’s neck.

Harry sighs, and breathes in the smell of Luke’s baby shampoo, pulling his son closer.

“I’ll make sure Santa gets your present to your Mummy,” Harry whispers and Luke nods into his shoulder, his little fists gripping onto Harry’s t-shirt.

Harry holds onto him well after Luke’s dozed off on his shoulder, and only lets him go when he looks up to find Louis, leaning against the doorframe, watching the two of them.

“How long have you been standing there?” Harry asks, and Louis shrugs, “Did you set out the gifts?”

“Santa has landed,” Louis replies, eyes zeroing in on the piece of paper sitting next to Harry, “What’s that?”

Harry gently puts Luke back in bed, kissing his forehead, and grabbing the drawing, before he replies, “I’m going to the cemetery.”

“Why?” Louis asks, eyes wide, as he follows his boyfriend down the hall.

“Because Santa has one more present to deliver.”

(Age: 5)

“Happy birthday Louis!” Niall cheers, and Louis and Harry both quickly hush him, heads snapping to Luke’s door, praying it doesn’t open.

It’d taken an hour to get him to sleep, his excitement for Christmas keeping him up much later than usual.

“Sorry mate,” Niall apologized sheepishly, refilling his champagne, and topping of Harry’s as well.

Before anything else could be said, Luke’s door creaks open, and the five heads of one direction turn to watch the little boy in footy pajamas come stumbling out.

“Thanks for that one,” Louis shoots sarcastically at Niall who shrinks back into his seat.

“Luke, you need to be in bed,” Harry says, but Luke shakes his head, “Yes Luke. Now.”

“B-but I forgot to lay out her gift,” Luke whispers, and Harry swallows thickly, catching Louis’ eye.

“That’s okay buddy,” Louis says carefully, putting down his glass and opening his arms, inviting Luke to climb up onto his lap, “What did you get her?”

Luke unclenches his hand to reveal a Lego dog, “I made it with my birthday present Grandmum Anne gave me.”

Zayn, Liam, and Niall are oddly silent as they watch on, the air in the room tense.

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