Chapter 19

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Sympheni~ Yes I saw the girl who darian is cheating on kendall with

Taylor~ Well who is it

Sympheni~ Jhene

Taylor~ Jhene aiko?

Sympheni~ No dumb... let me stop its jhene brown

Taylor~ The supermodel

Sympheni~ Yes

Taylor~ I know her I met her when mindless behavior was on tour.

Sympheni~ Well yea I did too I was standing right by you

Taylor~ Oh yea right I'm gonna call kendall and tell her.

         *On the phone with kendall*

Kendall~ Hey

Taylor~ I know who the girl is

Kendall~ Well who is it

Taylor~ Jhene

Kendall~ Jhene aiko

Taylor ~ No jhene brown the supermodel


            *At kendall and darian house*

Darian~ I'm so sorry baby

Kendall~ you cheated on me with jhene really

Darian~ Who told you that

Kendall~ A little birdy did.

Darian~ Baby I don't love her like I love you

Kendall~ If you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me now get out my house

Darian~ Well what about my stuff

Kendall~ I will pack them when I feel like it

                *slams the door in his face*

        *at sympheni and Princetons house*

Taylor~ I'm about to go to the mall

Sympheni~ Ok

                  *Walks into clairs*

Taylor~ I feel like I'm being watch

Roc~ Well you got that right

Taylor~ What are you doing here leave me alone

Roc~ Shut up your coming with me

Taylor~ NO

Roc~ You better come on or I'll kill you. You did say you wanted to meet Michael Jackson.

              *drags taylor to rocs car*

Taylor~ Where are you taking me

Roc~ You'll see

           *pulls up to old wearhouse*

Taylor~ OMG dequan your here (hugs dequan)

Dequan~ Get off of me

Roc~ Now I know that sympheni is having a baby.

Taylor~ Yea

Roc~ I want you to kidnap the baby when its born

Taylor~ What I would never do that

Roc~ We'll see about that. if you don't do that you see that forklift overthere your little dequan over here is gonna get ran over by it

Dequan~ WHAT? You didn't say nothing about that.

                *Roc leaves the room*

Dequan~ Taylor I missed you so much I'm sorry for treating you wrong

Taylor ~ why are you doing this to me

Dequan~ Ok so one of the police officers wanted me to go along with his plan so they can finally catch him.You didn't know that he broke out of jail


Dequan~ Well now you do so don't do anything he says

Taylor~ He's gonna kill you if I don't

Dequan~ No he's not he told me he was gonna say that just to scare you ok.

Taylor~ Ok can I leave

Dequan~ Yes and your car is outside roc just bought it back

Taylor~ Ok bye love you

Dequan~ Love you too

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