Episode 1: The Light

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A mysterious floating trisngular prism floats. It glows a light of the present. Its luminence causes gems from all over to draw torward it. Very little know what it does. They do know that if they touch it, it releases light beams, and his name was... GEORGE!
Steven Shouts! George get off the cabinets. Your a fluffy light mass, not a one tp destroy stuff. Garnet comes out of the room and throws her fist at him. George being the only male "gemoid?" Causes a lot of problems. One of many is the YELP he lets out when garnet throws her fist at him. "Garnet!your back!" Steven says. "Did you get any cool stuff?"."No." Garnet says in a very neutral voice. "No, I didnt steven" Garnet still says in a neutral voice. As pearl and amethyst enter the room amethyst yells "That was so cool!" Pearl Replies "I guess it was". Steven replies "what was cool?!". Amethyst Replies "a big sea monster". Steven replies "I wish i could've come" "No Steven, you have to watch george." Says Garnet. George still sitting on the prism the a back corner. "Plus. George acts much like a dog"

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