SGG: Episode 2

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Red yells and causes a sink hole under her. Going right through blues area and grubble falls all the way into the off colors camp. Red jumps just intime and grabs onto the side of blues area. Blue purposfully cries to make an aura of sadness hoping to calm red diamond down. As it doesnt work and red hits blue in the leg. This does absolutely nothing. Reds pearl tries to calm red down and instead red hits her and poofs her. A crack forms. Blue says that red is a trator, she bubbles red pearls gem and puts red in a cell resistant to her yells. Red diamond tries yelling. Yellow shocks her through the windows.   This finally calmed her down. Yellow says that red is being insane and that steven would not agree. The newly formed crystal gems that live in the crator of russia are starting to gain plans to send an attack. This newly formed crystal gems group is ran by rainbow mosaic diamonds, the diamonds dont know this. All they know is that its ran by someone whovhas similar body shape to rainbow mosaic diamonds. The attack plans are to go into the middle area of homeworld and then swoop trough the middle and then shattering white...
To be continued.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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