Chapter 3 (Part 2)

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Before I start, I want to thank you all for reading this story! I'm so happy to see that people actually enjoy this <3. 

I want to thank gracexblues, luna_uchiha_raizel and patheticgril for motivating me to continue this story <3.

Also, if you know spanish and you enjoy Shingeki No Kyojin and Harry Potter, I recommend you to read Silfi_XDMeeriii_06 and miauwm's books, they are really good ^^.


Gakushuu's POV

As always, the sound of the alarm woke me up at 6.00 AM. I started to get up, walking to Karma's bed, just to see that he was not there. What the...

That's when the smell of food reached my nose. Is Karma...? But why?

I went downstairs, and there I saw my little brother... getting prepared for school!? He was already dressed, his bag was at the door (with that plastic bag from yesterday) and he was making breakfast. Oh no, there has to be a reason for this.

That's when I realised, we're talking about Karma. I'm sure he only wants to get there soon to pull some pranks on someone.

"Good morning, Shuu-nii~" he said teasingly. That's the way he used to call me when we were young. I decided to play along.

"Good morning, Karma-chan" I said with a smirk. I know how much it annoys him. 

He sticked out his tongue at me, just like a little kid. I came up to him and ruffled his hair, as he pouted.

"I made you breakfast" he said. I touched his forehead, while he looked at me in confusion. "Are you sick or something? You never wake up before me AND prepare breakfast"

"You idiot!" he lightly pushed me. I love to mess up with him.

After that, I started eating breakfast, when I noticed he wasn't eating. "Karma, what's wrong? Why aren't you eating breakfast?" I asked, a bit worried. "It's nothing, I'm not hungry that's all." he answered. I decided to leave him alone by the moment. 

Then, we went to school. He wanted to go alone, but I didn't let him. The last thing I need is him going late again.

When we got there, we said goodbye and went on our own way. I was still a bit worried for him, he was acting... strange. And I was going to find out why.

Karma's POV

When I separated from Shuu, I started thinking. Is that octopus really a teacher? Will he destroy the moon? What if- no. I'm going to kill him, no matter what. 

I looked down at the bag in my hands and I smirked, I can't wait to see his reaction! I got into the classroom before anyone, and I opened the bag with the octopus inside. 

Ugh, this is disgusting. I placed it in the teacher's desk, and I cleaned my hands, that thing is just nauseating. When I finished, I pulled out a real knife, and I stabbed the head of the octopus. Perfect, now I just have to wait for everyone to get here. 

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