x ruv hcs

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- he is very protective over you, sometimes too much

- hes not the greatest at understanding social cues so you usually teach him

- he loves coffee, and pretty much any warm drink

- smells like vodka and really cheap cologne (he bought it so he could try and smell nice, but doesn't fully get what to do)

- let's you wear his hat (he loves seeing how cute you look in it)

- struggles to display affection but loves it when you do it

- does the little thumb thing when you hold hands ;-;

- he enjoys carrying you on his back, it helps the very l a r g e height difference you guys have

- I'm convinced he doesn't sleep, so he looks tired 24/7

- when hes angry, he'll talk in Russian, so you dont know what hes saying

- he really likes ice skating, and is actually pretty good at it

- will take you on a movie date, but if the movie sucks he'll sit you on his lap and cuddle you, usually ending in you guys falling asleep until the end of the movie

- hes friends with whitty, and they play games together sometimes, but ruv isnt any good at gaming

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