The begning

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I stared at the screen for at lest five minutes before I realized I couldn't think of anything except for "when is this class going to be over" and "when can I leave and go home" oh and "why am I here" "ugh" and "fuck me, please". I finally gave up on waiting for the bell to ring and just looked at the clock. today was a winey day for me, I complained, wined, moaned and groaned all day all I wanted was a nap. "8 minuets left in class so, I will allow you to check your social media, go on YouTube and such like that". I quickly logged into Facebook. Facebook was the only thing I could go on because the schools wifi sucks and and I had no reception in the school. I had 4 messages, 20 notifications, and 1 friend request. I checked my notifications, my messages, and then I checked the one friend request I didn't recognize the person so I just left it. I logged out and stood up out of my chair and picked up my stuff then the bell rang and I left. I met up with this kid Brian I know, our relationship is different he fucks with me I fuck with him that's just what we do. we got out side and went our separate ways I went to my bus and he went to meet up with his brother. I got on the bus and pulled out my phone. I scrolled through Instagram until the bus pulled up to my stop. I hoped off the bus pulled my keys out of my bag and walked home.

      I walked along the side of the road with one foot in front of the other up on the curb. Ever time I walked along the curbs I became really focused on not falling off and my mind would clear of everything except for not falling off the curb but oddly enough I found myself thinking about that one Facebook friend request. I got to my front door and put the keys in the lock and went in. I dropped my bags on the couch and went to the kitchen and pulled mac&cheese that I made last night from the fridge and put it in the microwave. As I was waiting for my mac&cheese my phone dinged, I pulled it out and someone had requested to fallow me on Instagram it was the same guy who tried to friend me on Facebook I looked through his page and he really wasn't that bad looking so I accepted his request on Instagram only. the microwave then dang, I pulled it out and stuck a fork in it and walked to the living room. I turned on the tv and sat on the floor. I pulled my fork out and then stabbed the macaroni and put it in my mouth. my dog came running down the stairs and I protected my food as she ran over to me a sniffed at the air. I then growled at her to protect my food. She stared at me as I ate and stared at the tv that was playing law&order svu.

     Soon after my mom came home and then my brothers and the day just went on like normal. Mom made dinner, we ate, did whatever. Now I'm in bed still think about that guy online.  Did I meet him through a friend and not remember? Does he go to my school? How did he find my accounts? Who is he?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2016 ⏰

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