Tags - Part 4

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1. Name

Ari. Sorry, that's all you get;)

2. Height

5', no more, no less. Yes, basically everyone I know is taller than me (including my younger siblings). No, I do not want to change that.

3. Weight

Uhhh,  last I checked it was like 108 lbs. But things change, ig. Probably not tho.

4. Age

Let's just say this. I'm as old as Avatar: the Last Airbender, which I just binge watched for the first time and am now absolutely addicted to.

5. Best Gal Pal

Nya!!! If you're reading this, I love you 🥰

6. Best Guy Pal

excuse me, I love Eli and all non-Eli's the same

7. Last Hug you've had 

probably my mom...she's the only one who really hugs me even tho I'm really big on physical contact 😂 it's actually not funny, I don't have any friends anymore...I'm touch starved guys 😭

8. Crush

Principal's kid at my old school. Started crushing on him over a year ago, then indirectly told him about it before leaving the country. Turns out the feeling is definitely NOT mutual. I haven't seen him in almost six months and I thought I would get over it, but his mom is friends with my mom on Facebook... Sorry you had to deal with me, Levi. You're really nice tho.

9. Ever been in love?

Does Levi count? Also the countless cartoons and celebrities I shamelessly obsess over alone in my room.

10. favorite food

Idk literally any junk food...I'm not a big 'eater' if you know what I mean. But yeah just hit me up with some Nutella and 20 McNuggets XD (PLZ NOT TOGETHER THO)

11. Texted Last and When

I can't really remember. Probably something dumb on my group chat tbh.

12. Favorite color

Blue. Navy blue, to be specific. I do really like all colors tho

13. Longest relationship

I'm gonna assume this means romantic relationship, in which case I'll have to go with....oh right, I've never been in one. If you knew me, you'd know why 🤣

14. Eye Color

ok guys I'm pretty proud of this one. Technically it's hazel, but it's a pretty cool hazel. Basically they're light brown normally, but when I cry (like a good cry, so not too often) they turn bright green. It's awesome.

15. Battery Percentage

100% (idk why anyone would care about this)

16. Addictions

uhhh, work actually. I've never had a job before, but I literally will sign up for everything at school (currently on the news team, in the musical, on student council, in choir, leading a Bible study, applying for a traineeship, and more) or assign myself projects (ie. new fan fictions to write, videos to make, comics to draw). At the same time tho, I'm pretty lazy. Don't ask me how that works, but it does. 

Also I'm really addicted to anything ATLA at the moment

17. Favorite Animal

idk dogs and cats??? I judge an animal by if it will cuddle with me

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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