Chapter two | the mission

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"Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?" Barnes asked. "Yeah, and I threw up?" Steve said. "This isn't a payback, isn't it?" "Now, why would I do that?" Steve teased. Jones interrupted them. "We were right. Zola is on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him the permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going, they must need him bad." Steve looked at his two best friends, they looked back at him after looking at one another. "Remember all, stick to the plan. Our one and only task is catching Zola. If we fail, we're dead." Peggy said without showing any emotion. Pinkerton grabbed his binocular and saw the train entering their view. "Let's get going, because they're moving like the devil." Steve looked down to his hand. Peggy had him locked in her grip, as if she was nervous for what was about to happen. "You can still back-out, you don't have to do this-" "No," she cut him off while she stared in his blue eyes. "I must, you boys play nice but I'll be the one catching him. After what he's done to me when we rescued Dr. Erskine, I have to be the one who turns him in." "40 seconds!" Dugan yelled. Steve leaned in and gave Peggy one last passionate kiss before the mission, "the quicker, the sooner we can go home." He mumbled against her lips. His smile was softened and when his lips left Peggy's, he could see Bucky rolling his eyes, deep inside Steve knew Bucky was happy for him, he just had a weird way of showing it.

"Right, we only got about a 10 second window, you miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield." Steve said and glided first, then Peggy and the rest followed. Steve and Peggy searched for a way in while the rest found their positions. He soon found a ladder attached to the side of the train. He let Peggy go first so she was safe inside. Then he followed. Steve saw one last glimpse of Bucky and Pinkerton who would guard on top of the train for when they would aboard the mission if that should happen. Once inside Steve investigated the compartment they were in. It seemed to be a storage room filled with suitcases. "According to Jones, Zola should be in the last cabin." Peggy said before checking the exit at the front. There was complete silence, the only sound in the cabin came from outside. While Peggy investigated the suitcases, Steve guarded the door. "Peg, about this morning. I'm so-" "Not during the mission, Steven." Peggy said abruptly and continued her quest. "What are you even looking for?" He got no answer from her. "Peggy!" He said again. All he heard was a deep sigh. "Hydra keeps all their files on three hard drives, one with Schmidt, one with Zola and the other is always hidden when they have to travel." She threw some bags aside and saw a shining object. "Now, if I were them I would hide them in plain sight so it's too obvious." She laughed softly and grabbed what seems to be a metal lunchbox. It wasn't even locked. "Got it." She took out a small device which was small enough to put in her back pocket. Steve looked at her strangely. "Do you know what intel there is on there?" Peggy nodded. "And it's better it won't be in their possession. I'll explain everything back at the base."

They continued their way on the train, the next two compartments they passed were either empty or had luggage stored. Before they went into the second last compartment, Peggy and Steve hid on both sides of the door when they saw something moving. Zola's security. "Stay here, I see a way to elope him. If I come from the other side, I will distract him and you can take him out." Steve shook his head. "That's far too dangerous. You're staying here until I clear the path. After that, Zola is all yours. I promise." He looked into her eyes and she nodded. "Alright." She pushed the button and the door opened. Within seconds Zola's security fired his guns at Steve as the muscled man attacked him with his shield. The fight went on for minutes and Peggy didn't see any improvement, she got impatient. She pressed the button again and joined the fight at the moment the man had his back at her. She fired almost every single bullet she had on his harness but it only made a few small dents. The man turned around and Peggy could only just escape the blue fire shots. She briefly made eye contact with Steve and she knew they screwed this up. She had to wait like Steve ordered her. But she didn't give up, she would never. Steve threw his shield at the man but he ducked. Peggy caught it and quickly fired it at the man. It was a hit and Steve caught the shield. He always was surprised how skilled she was. At that very moment, he was so proud of her but they hadn't defeated him yet. The man was focussed on Steve and fired again, Steve blocked the laser with his shield but this action caused the laser to blast the side of the train.

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