Cuddles and warmth

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You woke up in your and Taika's bed, his arms wrapped around you and his face nuzzled into your neck, his beard slightly tickling your skin. You smiled at this, relaxing into his warm embrace, however, this movement woke him from his sleep and he moved slightly to look up at you. "Good morning" he said, kissing our jaw gently.

"Morning Taika" you mused, starting to move but instead he held you to him.

"You are warm" he mused, nuzzling into you.

"I am glad" you said, shuffling down so you laid properly next to him. Taika grinned, touching your nose with his, giving you an Eskimo kiss which made you grin, giving him one back, feeling his nose against yours.

"Is there anything on today?" Taika asked, pouting slightly, his hot breath slightly tickling your face.

"I need to get my phone to answer that" you mused, starting to shuffle away again.

"I am sure whatever it is, it is not important" Taika moaned.

"What if it is a meeting with Disney?" you asked, poking him.

"Well I will say that I am with my beautiful partner and too busy to speak" he mused, his hand going up to cup your cheek.

"I would say the same" you said, bringing your hand to hold his hand against your cheek.

Taika smiled and rubbed your cheek slightly with his thumb slightly while you pulled the blanket further around you both. Because of this peaceful morning you got to notice how crazy Taika's hair was in bed, sticking out at certain angles, it was so cute and you brought our hand up to stroke the slightly greying curls. Taika loved this and tried to kiss your arm, falling however he laughed and tried again, pushing his head up to try and meet his lips and your wrist and this time, he managed to meet his lips against your skin. You both giggled and you withdrew your arm, however, Taika took it and kissed your hand gently, lacing his fingers through yours. His lips were soft as he left little kisses across your hand and wrist before just holding it in his.

"You are so adorable" you said, kissing his lips gently.

"I am not adorable" he said, flashing a smile, "I am Taika"

You laughed at the dad joke, shaking your head slightly.

"You don't appreciate my jokes (y/n)?" he asked. "Such a shame"

"Shut it Tai" you said

Taika made a mock offended face which made you giggle further, your giggling made sure that he could only hold that face for a couple of seconds before himself starting to laugh with you. You sighed, looking with love into Taika's eyes, Taika had the same look in his eye as he looked back, kissing you again.

As you kissed the phone ring, making you pull away and for Taika to huff in annoyance. You reached over Taika, making him complain of the cold air which rushed under the blanket as you grabbed your phone and listened to the caller.

"Hello? Oh hello Disney" you put emphasis on the final word. "Yes I am sorry we are late" Taika's eyes widened and he jumped out of bed. "Shit it is cold!" he shouted, making you stifle a laugh, watching Taika, in pants, grabbing a top.

"Yes, we will be 5 minutes, thank you for waiting for us" you said, putting down the phone and getting up, getting your own clothes on.

"I told you" you chided.

Taika rolled his eyes, checking his tie before opening the laptop and clicking the zoom link to the meeting. You quickly jumped next to him and sighed. You looked at Taika and smiled, his hair was still a mess. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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