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There's a good bit of vulgar language in this chapter! I tried to keep it to a minimum without being too out of character. ^^

// POV: Wilbur :) //

Wilbur shifted his glasses further up his face as he continued scribbling in one of his many books.

He was writing a letter to Dream, asking for a conference so they could talk about L'manburg and it's independence.

He was also waiting for Tommy to get back from his patrol that he'd been sent on that evening. It'd been about an hour after he was supposed to come home, but Wilbur wasn't terribly concerned because Tommy often stayed out longer than usual, whether that was for messing around or getting distracted.

Even so, an hour was a long time to wait on someone, and Wilbur was getting impatient. How long was the kid planning on staying out?

As if god answered his thoughts, the door to the van slammed open and a familiar mess of blonde hair stumbled in.

Tommy had a hand to his head, looking down at the floor like he was in pain. His shirt and jeans were dirty like he'd been tossed around in the mud.

Wilbur stood up from his desk, shifting the chair back as Tommy raised his head to meet Wilbur's gaze with an angry expression.

"Where the fuck have you been? And why are covered in mud?" He chastised, stepping forward and gesturing to the kids messy clothing.

Tommy scoffed. "Y/N's back." He said shortly, stumbling to the side and plopping down into a chair, wincing.

Wilbur's eyes widened. He hadn't heard that name in years.

"Wait what? Y/N? Like the one you pestered constantly as a child? I mean you are still a child but-"

"I'm not a fucking child, Wilbur. She's on Dream's side." Tommy snapped, crossing his arms as he looked out the window of the van. He held an angry expression, but behind his scowl has a hint of betrayal.

Wilbur stood speechless, hands clenched at his sides as he thought. "She... She joined him..? Over us? Over you?" His voice grew louder as he realized the situation. Tommy nodded, not taking his gaze off the glass. "Yeah. She's a traitor."

He couldn't believe it. The person he'd trusted with his you get brother had betrayed them and joined their enemies ranks? The girl who'd taken care of both Tommy and Tubbo while he was away had chosen to turn her back on them and chose Dream, over them? The people she'd known since childhood?

Closing his eyes, he breathed in deeply, calming his nerves. There was no point in wasting the energy in getting mad. If she wanted to betrayed them, it's be her loss in the war, not theirs.

Wilbur sighed and rested a hand on Tommy's shoulder, glancing out the window as well. "You're... Calm." He felt his brother tense under his hand, and the blonde shrugged his hand off before standing up.

"No, I'm not. I'm fucking pissed, Wilbur." Tommy's eyes held a new found motivation. But not for something good.

"Tommy, what are you thinking?" Wilbur asked cautiously. Whenever Tommy was calculating you might as well just duck and cover and hope you didn't get caught in the crossfire, because there was very little you could do to calm him.

There was a moment of silence as Tommy balled his hands into fists, his knuckles turning white with the pressure. He took a deep breath and met Wilbur's eyes.

"I'm gonna make her regret betraying us, Wilbur. I'm gonna make her pay." He snapped his words, getting worked up. "I'm gonna win this war, make L'manburg independent and I'm gonna make her watch as I show her just how much of a bad choice it was to turn on us."

He probably didn't have an actual plan, just a goal. He'd probably do something stupid and irrational like blow something up or challenge her to a duel. He'd probably ask Wilbur for help and he'd get dragged into his fight. That was the way Tommy dealt with things. By going head first without thinking, without a plan.

For Tommy it was "hit it 'til it dies" instead of laying traps or playing the long game. But there was no arguing with him Wilbur knew that.

The brunette sighed heavily and ran his hands through his hair, taking a moment to collect his thoughts and decide on things.

"Tommy, we can't fight her. Even in a 2v1. She's way better at PvP than we are and we don't have the right weapons anyway. We have to be smart about this-" He held up his hand as Tommy opened his but to protest, cutting him off before continuing. "I'm not saying it's impossible, I'd never tell you that, but I am saying we have to think about this. We have to have a plan or else we're going to fail miserably."

The young man watched his brother carefully, and sighed in relief as Tommy nodded, scowling at the floor.

"Alright Wilbur. I trust you. But I'd better get to beat the shit out of her at some point or I'm gonna start wrecking shit." He grinned-it was more of a grimace, but Wilbur knew he was just trying to stay strong.

They shared a moment of silence before Wilbur spoke up again

"Hey you never told me what happened, why were you out so late?"

"Oh, Dream knocked me out in the middle of the forest after I confronted Y/N." He shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest like it was no big deal.

Wilbur sighed with a bit of a chuckle, shaking his head. "Let's get you patched up before you black out or something." His brother nodded and followed Wilbur into the back of the van, where they kept some simple first aid materials just in case.

"How am I gonna tell Tubbo..?" Tommy asked after a moment of silence, sitting in the chair as Wilbur addressed a few scrapes on his arm.

"... I'm not sure. I'd say just give it to him straight, it's what you're good at." He grinned as Tommy made an offended scoff, rolling his eyes. "I can be nice, dipshit."

"Oh really? Wouldn't know, you're always so sour towards me."

"Cause you're a bitch."

Both brothers started laughing as Wilbur finished bandaging Tommy's arm, playfully shoving each other and tossing vague insults or threats to the other.

It was a nice change of atmosphere from the tense anger they'd felt before.


Hi!!! A big thank you to the people who've read this so far, I'm glad you're enjoying it! ^^
Remember to drink some water and take your medicine if you need it! ❤️

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