Chapter 1

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Suddenly Raven was laying on the ground, drowning in pain and plaster. Her ears rang as she saw Beast Boy racing towards her. Appearing extremely distraught, he franticly shook her in attempts to wake the empath. She slowly fell into darkness.

Raven awoke in a bed, in a place she wasn’t familiar with. Her vision was blurry. Everything was in cool and neutral tones. She soon realized that she was in a hospital, and laying in a hospital bed. Then she discovered there was something on, or more like around, her hand. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a green figure, which she concluded could only be Beast Boy. Weakly, she squeezed his hand that was already interlocked with hers. This made him jump a bit. “Raven?” He asked in disbelief. “Are you awake?” She managed a nod and a slight smile. 

“How long was I out,” she asked, eyes closed.

“A week,” he responded sadly. She glanced over behind him, and she saw a couch draped with blankets and a pillow.

“Did you sleep here?” She asks.

“Um…yeah. They have an arcade here so it’s cool.” Suddenly, Beast Boy remembered a crucial instruction. He pressed the button on the side of the wall with his free hand. “They told me to push that button when you woke up.” A nurse walked in with a cart full of cords, wires, screens, and various other kinds of medical equipment. She gave Raven a sort of checkup. 

“It looks like there is some trauma to your head and your body is very weak. You must not use magic for 1 month or your body could send you back into a coma.” The two heroes' eyes opened wide with shock. “And it will take you a few days to be able to walk alone, but for now, you are free to go.”

“You two make a cute couple by the way,” the nurse added. A series of whats and nos came from the two along with plenty of awkward blushing.

Beast Boy’s arm was wrapped around Raven’s waist and her hand was on his shoulder. They walked along the streets of Jump City. Beast Boy recommended walking home so Raven could get her legs back into practice. When he first placed his arm around her, Raven felt chills go up her spine, making Beast Boy pull back for a brief second. At the moment, she didn’t know quite how she felt about Beast Boy. She was currently dating Aqualad from Titans East. He had asked her out about a month ago. Beast Boy liked Terra too, or so she thought. They were actually not officially going out, despite the fact they had gone on a date before and clearly liked each other before Terra had betrayed the team. Beast Boy just acted awkward around her now. Raven looked straight ahead, focusing on these thoughts, when she noticed in her peripheral vision, Beast Boy was staring at her. She blushed furiously, yet kept looking straight ahead as if she didn’t notice. 

“Why are your cheeks red?” he asked unknowingly.

“Oh, um, flushness can often occur after a coma, because my body is getting used to a conscious blood flow,” she lied, knowing that Beast Boy would be confused and drop it. 

“Oh,” he replied, not fully understanding as she suspected.

‘Wow, Raven sure looks beautiful,’ he thought to himself. ‘But she’s with Aqualad. Whatever. I wouldn’t have had a chance anyways.’

The team greeted Raven with open arms, quite excited about her return. Although, Terra wasn’t as excited when she saw Beast Boy’s arm around Raven’s waist. The rock-controlling hero tried to hide her jealousy. ‘Don’t worry. Beast Boy loves YOU, not that half demon. As long as you can seal the deal before she does, you’ll be alright,’ Terra tells herself.

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