Xandra X Reader

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Y/N (your name)
Y/N/N (your nickname)

You have been living with Xandra and Larry for 5 months and you have started developing feelings for Xandra ever since she started using pet names. But you have never acted on it.

⚠️ Tw slight abuse nothing too bad ⚠️


It is currently midnight and I'm struggling to fall asleep, all I can think about is Xandra and how truely beautiful she is, the way her hair always looks so perfect, the way her jeans accentuate her curves and her eyes... my god her eyes, every time I look at them I am completely captivated.

I have never once heard Larry compliment how Xandra looks or show any affection towards her, he is always "busy" with work but we all know he is going out with a different woman every night. Some nights he doesn't even attempt to hide it, he once came home with lipstick smudges peppered all over his neck. All I wanted to do in that moment was grab Xandra and run. But instead I had to listen to her sobbing on the bathroom floor for hours until she eventually calmed down enough to go to bed.

It was now 2am and I was starting to fall asleep, while clinging onto my pillow i was so desperately wishing was Xandra in its place. It was in this exact moment that I realised that I really did have feelings for this woman. But before I knew It I slipped into a dreamless sleep, I was soon awoken by the beaming sunlight through the window.

"Y/N! Can you please come here"  Xandra yelled from downstairs. My body quickly began to rise in anticipation of what she could possibly be needing me for.

I quickly tossed on some clothes and made my way down, Xandra greeted me with a warm and welcoming smile, one that I have grown quite accustom to in the past month. "Good morning Sweetheart, I was making cookies and i thought you might like to help?" Xandra asked. My god if only she knew the effect she had on me.

"I would love to" I replied with a beaming smile, she could probably tell how excited I was, and let's just say she didn't seem mad about it, offering back a gentle giggle. Even her laugh was perfect.

We spent the entire day together, making cookies, cleaning and we even went for a swim she looked so beautiful tanning in the sunlight. We shared many laughs and stories, I learnt a lot more about  Xandra which I was very excited about I must add. As night was soon approaching we decided to venture inside to make a start on dinner, we both agreed on pizza because we knew Larry also liked it and he was going to be home soon. We ordered the pizza and sat in the living room watching a movie together. Things couldn't have been better, that's until Larry came home... Drunk as usual.

As he walked in the door he stubbles, He didn't look happy he actually looked quite angry, he began tripping over nearly all the furniture as he made his way into the kitchen. Xandra and I turned around to see him standing there just looking at us. Xandra gave me a worried look, she looked terrified. I quickly grabbed on her hand that was out of view from Larry to tried to comfort her and to let her know it will be okay, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze and began to speak.

"Hi Larry, how was work?" Xandra asked with a small and nervous smile.

"None of your business Xandra, and as for you Y/N what are you doing sitting on the couch, shouldn't you be cleaning something or making me food!" Larry said in a loud and scary tone.

"Larry don't speak to Y/N like that, make your own food! It's not our fault you always come home drunk" Xandra yelled back.

Larry got a very scary and intimidating look in his eyes as he stormed over to me and grabbed hold of my arm, I began to cry  from the stinging pain of his finger nails digging into my skin. He dragged me into the kitchen and demanded I make him food. I glanced over at Xandra and completely broke down, my face was drowning in tears, Xandra stood up and gently made her way over to distract Larry.

"Larry there is pizza on the way, actually I think it's here can you please answer the door?" Xandra asked

We both knew the pizza wasn't actually there Xandra was just trying to get him away from me, Larry was so drunk that before he even got to the door he forgot what he was doing to instead he just went and had a cigarette, once Larry was out of sight Xandra stood beside me and grabbed my hand to lead me upstairs. As we entered my bedroom she locked the door behind us. I sat on my bed with tears still streaming down my face. Xandra made her way over to me and sat beside me wrapping both of her arms around me.

Xandra always knew exactly how to calm me down and make me feel safe. "Lay down sweetheart, and takes some big deep breaths" Xandra said so calmly it was almost a whisper.

Xandra swiftly shifted onto her back with her arms open inviting me to lay beside her. I hesitated at first, but decided that I need to be comforted, I rested beside her with my head buried into her neck inhaling the sweet smell of her perfume. She gently ran her fingers up and down my back while her other hand massages my hair attempting to calm me down, and my god it is working, my breathing becomes slow and steady and I begin to feel warm and safe. Xandra plants a soft loving kiss on my forehead letting me know that everything will be okay.

"Xandra, can I ask you something?"

"Sure honey, what is it?"

"Why do you call me sweetheart all the time and why are you hugging me right now?" I softly ask

"Well sweetheart" she says with a little giggle
"I say it because that's what you are, and I'm hugging you because what happened back there was not okay and I care about you too much to just leave you in the situation where you could be hurt by that horrible man. But it's okay now your here and your safe with me." she says with a gentle smile

"Thankyou Xandra it means a lot"

"Of course Baby" Xandra says cautiously not knowing how I'll react

"Can I say one more thing, and please don't get mad" I say with tears in my eyes

"Sure sweetheart, anything" Xandra says while  kissing my forehead

"I think your the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, the way you always just look so effortless gorgeous doing absolutely nothing, I would be lying if I said that everytime I looked in your eyes I didn't get completely lost in them, and in the past few months I have become very fond of you, and I just wanted to tell you that you are  very special to me, you are the only one that has shown any interest in me recently, I am very sorry if that makes you uncomfortable but I just wanted to let you know" I let out with a few tears while drawing patterns on her chest with my finger, nervous about how she will react.

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds and I begin to get nervous that's she is going to hate me after this, I automatically start to take my hand away from her chest and my heart starts beating very fast. A second later she puts her hand on top of mine and takes a deep breath,  She knew this day was coming but she didn't realise it would be today, She knew she had to tell you the truth. Her eyes filled with tears and she lets out a shaky breathe.

I poke my head up and look into her eyes, she blinks away her tears that slowly runs down her cheeks, I quickly cup her cheeks with my hands and wipe her tears away with my thumbs. And before I know what's happening she presses her lips against mine. I don't even have time to register what is going on, and before it's too late to kiss her back properly she pulls back.

"I love you Y/N"

I'm so sorry this is really messy and there is probably like 1,000,000 spelling mistakes. If you have any Suggestions please let me know!

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