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Nick grins as he gently pulls Charlie to sit on the bed with him. Charlie blushes and sinks down onto the quilt, as close to Nick as possible. Nick takes Charlie's face in hands and kisses him sweetly. Charlies places his hands on Nick's chest as he kisses him back. When they eventually break apart, Nick keeps Charlie close, resting their foreheads together and whispers to his lover.



"I love you."

"I love you, too, Nick."

Nick leans back just enough so they can look into each other's eyes. He moves his hands from Charlie's face, sliding them down his sides, then wraps them around the trim waist. Charlie arches slightly against the possessive touch as Nick rests his large hands at the small of his back.

"Charlie, it- It blows my mind how much I love you. And I want to- Well, we both know how rubbish I am with words," At this, Charlie grins and giggles a bit. "So, instead of telling you, I want to... show you how much I love you...."

The raven blinks and gives his boyfriend a curious look.

Without realizing, Nick tightens his hold on Charlie as he moves his hands lower, effectively gripping the other boy's hips. Charlie's eyes widen, but he doesn't try to move away.


Nick looks deep into Charlie's eyes, willing him to listen, to really consider his next words.

"Charlie, will—(gulp)– Will you let me make love to you?"

Charlie's eyes become saucers and his brows disappear into his black, curly fringe.

"Nick..." he breathes.

Unable to read his boyfriend's reaction, the blond panics.

"I- I totally understand if you're not re-"

Nick is cut off by a pair of plush lips being smashed against his; fingers weave into his hair and grip the blond locks, but don't pull. The intensity surprises Nick, but he quickly responds, pulling Charlie up by his arse cheeks and into his lap. Charlie straddles him, pushing their hips together until they can easily feel each other's rock hard erections. Nick's tongue laps at his boyfriend's lips; Charlie opens his mouth and they tongue battle until they need air. Nick pants and open his eyes; Charlie looks like he's stoned. He kind of feels like it, too....

The raven blinks and tries his best to focus his eyes on his lover so he can answer him properly.

"Yes!" he says, breathing heavily.

Now Nick's eyebrows disappear.

"Ye- You- You're sure?!"

"Positive! Show me, Nicky!"

Charlie wriggles out of Nick's grasp and slides to the middle of the bed. Charlie then lays himself out on his back, knees bent, legs spread, lips slightly parted, cheeks ruddy, eyes heavy-lidded; Nick feels his cock twitch. He crawls, almost predatorially, toward his Adonis until he's hovering over his lover's body. Charlie wraps his legs around Nick's hips, and his arms around his neck.

"Show me," he whispers.

Nick leans himself against Charlie so that every possible inch of their bodies is touching. He bears most of his weight on his arms so as not to crush Charlie, who actually tries to get him to lean against him more. Charlie has always loved the protective yet cuddly feel of Nick's body on top of his. Remembering this, Nick shifts his weight slightly to satisfy Charlie, but remains aware of himself. God forbid he hurt his sweetheart, especially by accidental squashing.

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