|1| first day

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You start your first day at Inarizaki high school moving from Karasuno high because of difficulties with other students...(Y/n beat some people up🤪)
Your brothers were the miya brothers you were their triplet but y'all were split whilst your parents being split..

time skip

You got up in the morning from your brothers talking their laughing loud so it woke you up. So you got up and got ready... you put on light makeup on but you barely put any on cuz ur a baddie🤩😘 then you put on your outfit you chose a chill "comfy" outfit so that you didn't stand out too much but you still wanted to look cute.

 you put on light makeup on but you barely put any on cuz ur a baddie🤩😘 then you put on your outfit you chose a chill "comfy" outfit so that you didn't stand out too much but you still wanted to look cute

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You grabbed your already packed backpack from the last night and your skateboard and ran downstairs seeing your brothers give you a cereal bar and grab their bags and skateboards and walk out locking the door behind you. You and your brothers skate together for bonding time so you ride your board and talk instead of taking a car. You can't drive but your brothers do.

Before you know y'all (don't slaughter me i'm from texas😫🤚)arrive at school and part ways your brothers had to go to the other side of the school so you have to find your way around the school even though you don't know your way. You walk into the school and notice that people were whispering and looking at you with their friends as you look around for your class. As the school hallways empty you notice a tall guy with brown messy hair and green-yellowish eyes and nice style. You notice his eyes are shaped l like fox eyes and had eyeliner on. You also notice he has silver and black rings and jewelry on(AHHHHHH RINGS OMG) he also has an eyebrow piercing and what seems to be a nostril piercing sticking out his mask.

(you can change his if you want ofc)You keep looking at as you see he's is looking at you as well you see that his eyes are looking straight at yours and evert your eyes from him and you here him say "you lost" in a raspy low voice that caught you...

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(you can change his if you want ofc)
You keep looking at as you see he's is looking at you
as well you see that his eyes are looking straight at yours and evert your eyes from him and you here him say "you lost" in a raspy low voice that caught you off guard and you say "yea kinda" back and he motions his hand for you to follow him. As you walk behind him you notice how much taller he is than you. He takes you to your class while you wander how he knows your classroom."How do you know my class." you said and he looked back "The teacher told me to escort you" Oh. ok. Y'all continued to walk in comfortable silence and you come to a stop "we're here" he says and walks into the class "suna try not to be late again. Oh. Hello welcome to our class y/n would you like to introduce yourself?" the teacher says when she notices you walk in "No" you say back to the teacher and fin your way to the back row of the classroom seats next to suna.

time skip brought to you by my laziness

You finish your last class of the day all of your classes were boring and you met a lot of random people but seemed to have become friends with suna and then you meet back up with your brothers "We have volleyball you should come watch I think you should be our manager" You have no choice but to go so you just follow them to the gym. You see the coach and the managers line up the whole team while you watch from the sidelines you started daydreaming and noticed them all looking at you. "hmm?" you said and the coach says "and your are?" "oh that's y/n she's watching today to see if she wants to be a manager" your brothers said at the same time "telepathy much?" suna said in a sarcastic tone and you laugh with him. All of the boys greet themselves and their position. And practice starts.

time skip again sry

At the end of their practice you, suna , your brothers, , this one guy named kita rode to the skatepark and talked/ or went on your phone. You and suna talked the whole way and your brothers talked with kita of course kita having to break them up every once in a while. you started to realize how much you like the school and this team and came to the conclusion you were gonna be a manager. I few minutes later y'all got to the skate park and chilled and skated. (we love y/ns mom btw shes chill let's you smoke and drink and stuff as long as you r safe but we hate the dad BAHAHAHHA he's the opposite screw him). You and suna went off on a trail telling your brothers you would be back soon and suna pulled out a blunt and lit it "you smoke?" "yea kinda" he gave you the blunt and you took a hit. you two kept going till it was late at night "dang have we been out here" " oh shoot" you said to suna getting up from the bench y'all were sitting on. you looked at your phone and saw texts from your brothers. "i have to go my brothers are waiting" suna nodded at you y'all skated back at a fast pace laughing together and having fun while high.

time skip to your house

You get home take your shower and hop straight in bed and get on tiktok while drinking (favorite drink) and you get a text.

hey did you get home safe?

awwww you care? yes i did...

yea its 3am i'm gonna go to bed gn doll face😏

good night pretty boy🙄

GASP omg i'm pretty 😏

no gn stupid

ouch🤕 gn

end of first chapter
-1004 words-

HEYYYYYY DONT JUDGE MEEEE this is my first story hahha tell me if y'all liked it idk how i feel abt it.... anyways PLS VOTEEEEE IF YOU LIKED IT I WANNA KNOWWWW😅
i'm gonna try and post as soon as i can the next part also pls react and comment i like it😁
(no hate tho pls)

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