A Body Has Been Discovered

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Warning: Depictions of death, violence, and murder. First paragraph has the news lady talking about a dead guy, it's in italics so you should be able to move by, also nightmares, and a woman being attacked in a murder documentary.

Chapter 1

George was on his way back home to his apartment, he had just come from the ink and printer shop when. He thought back to what he saw on the news that played on the crappy TV hooked up to the wall.

The woman on the TV spoke, "Another body has been discovered in an alleyway at ****, the victim was 22-yr old Boston Kinsman. He was found earlier this morning at approximately 5:30AM. He's been estimated to have been dead for more than twenty-four hours. More news to come later tonight, at seven PM. Back to you Lawrence..."

It played in George's head like a haunting melody, George was getting more and more concerned as time went by, "The killings are getting closer to this area..." was all George thought about. These killings had been happening for only about two months now that the police knew of.

George moved closer to a building and away from the edge of the sidewalk as a car went by, splashing through the puddles of dirty water that flowed across the road against the curb. "Don't need to get that close to the curb dumbass", George thought as he grimaced at the muddled water that had been splashed up onto the sidewalk.

He rolled his eyes and continued on his path back to the place he called home.

George soon arrived at the door to the lovely little flower shop owned by his friends Niki and Karl. As he opened the door to step in, he could hear the high pitched chime of the bell above the door, notifying the people inside that someone else had entered.

Niki smiled and waved at him, as a silent hello before going back to helping the customer she was with at the front. He waved back to her and offered a gentle smile without stopping his pace to the back area where the ladder was located to get to his "apartment".

As he left though, he took one final large breath inwards before heading up, he always liked to try and take a moment to appreciate nature every now and again. Even if he couldn't see all it's beauty, and he had mild allergies,... and he forgot a lot he'd still try. He had been told before not to let life pass you by or you'll regret it later.

Sometimes when he does stop, all he can think about is how much life seemed to have already passed him by. Twenty five and still not a house of his own, no significant other, no major accomplishment. Don't get him wrong, he has a stable job and a relatively stable life. But that didn't stop him from thinking about what he could've done, what he should have done.

George continued his way up the ladder and unlocked the door to his home. He always thought about how stupid this design was, why did they never make a stair case instead? He'd thought many times over.

He simply shut and locked his door, kicked off his shoes, threw his bag to the floor, and belly flopped onto his bed with a sigh of relief.

George unburied his face from the top of his covers and sighed again before sitting up, he had also just remembered he didn't take off his coat, his wet slightly muddy coat.

Once realization struck, George sat up and immediately threw his jacket half-hazardly off onto the chair in the corner.

George groaned in annoyance as he saw the small smudged stains of brown on his comforter and the moist dark spots that littered the plush fabric. "God damnit..." he muttered to himself as he removed the comforter from the bed to toss in his laundry basket.

George decided that he may as well change his clothes and take a shower too, seeing as he was wet from the rain still, having no umbrella and such.

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