Chapter 1

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You know what i hate the most? I think its OBVIOUS! *drum roll* RELATIVES! Okay not really, i hate bitter dark chocolate more. But seriously, my paternal family hates my GUTS! They always critisize me. Snobby trolls... My Dad says that their just not used to me yet. I've been in this family for 6 years. Don't know when that day will FINALLY arrive when i don't receive their nasty glances and angry glares. But I absolutely ADORE my maternal family. Their the definition of AWESOME! Even though both sides of my family are rich and famous, my maternal cousins are FAR from being snobby OR self obsessed. They can be pretty cool when their not busy embarrassing themselves...

Moving on..

Now since this is my junior year of high school, life is amazing...NOT! Life is an utter DUMP! Sheesh..its like the world turns against you. But imagine, if life is such a big bag of garbage now, college hasn't started yet. So I'm forced to suck it up and live with it!

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