Chapter 1: One Shot at a First Impression

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The Doom Slayer had just finished decapitating a hell knight when he heard something. On instinct he fired a shot in the direction. (Y/n) yelped in pain when the bullet tore through her leg, losing her grip on the roof siding she tumbled off the building and onto the ground, clutching her leg in pain. The Doom Slayer's eyes widened with shock, this wasn't a demon... It was a girl, a very human girl. Dropping his weapon he made his way over to her, his shock turning to guilty horror as he watched her rock herself clutching her injured leg. He could hear her crying in pain as he approached. She looked up hearing his approach and her eyes filled with fear and horror. With a scream, she tried desperately to get away from him. But her injured leg made that almost impossible. He froze, holding his hands up in a universal non-threatening gesture. Sobbing now, she curled up in a ball, holding her head in her hands. Glancing around, he caught a glimpse of his reflection and his jaw tightened. He was mass of armor, covered in blood and guts. To her, he probably looked like a demon. And the fact that he had shot her didn't create a good first impression. Removing his helmet, he slowly approached the significantly smaller human. Kneeling down next to her, he gently placed his armored hand on her shoulder, although with the size difference, it was her entire upper arm. Her head shot up and her eyes widened, with shock. Her lip still quivering, she tentatively reached her hand out towards his face. He quickly averted his eyes so as not to threaten her, he slowly lowered his head towards her. He forced himself to remain still when he felt her small hand touch his cheek. "Yo-you're a-a hu-man." She stuttered, her voice shaky. Looking her in the eyes, he nodded in affirmation. Looking down at her leg, he grimaced and she could see the regret and pain in his eyes. "I...I'm...sorry. I...Thought you were a demon." As gently as he possibly could, he took her injured leg in his massive hand, freezing when she hissed in pain. He cautiously examined the damage. He was no doctor, nor was he Vega, but from his experience with his own injuries, he guessed the the bullet had torn through the bones in her calf. Fortunately, as inappropriate as the word is, the bullet had cauterized the wound so there was no fear of her bleeding out, unless it was opened. Despite this, the wound was still a mess. His weapons were designed to annihilate demons, not fragile humans. Taking a med-kit from a compartment in his suit, he did the best he could to patch her up, or at least prevent infection. Glancing up, he could still see the fear in her eyes, but she had calmed down enough for him to work. He was tempted to wipe the tears from her cheeks, but thought better of it considering his hands were still covered in gore. Not the best for cleaning wounds. Vega would kill him if... when, he found out. Looking around, he pondered his next move. There was no way in hell he was leaving her, not with that leg. And she was obviously underweight. In her current condition, he gave her about a week at most. "C'mere." He said softly, holding his arms out invitingly. She looked at him, confusion painting her dirty, tear streaked face. After a moments hesitation, she cautiously crawled over to him. "You're gonna stay with me, I have a friend who can patch you up." He clarified, putting his helmet back on. He gently picked her up, paying special attention to her leg. Walking back over to his gun, he slowly knelt down, picked it up, and fastened it on to his back, with the girl watching his every move. He slightly held her tighter, and motioned for her to close her eyes. Signaling Vega to open a portal, he brought his new companion home.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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