• CH 1 • Time slows down

8 0 0

Detroit, 2033

The room was lit with the neon lights shining from outside. The red light made him feel sick, as if blood was laying all over the ground. The fact that his hands were tied up with a rope and covered in blood too didn't help either.

He felt nauseous. He couldn't bare the iron smell much longer or he was sure to throw up.

Drip, drip, drip

The blood drops that were falling off the fresh wound on his forehead slowly drove him insane too.

This was absolute torture. They were leaving him to die of his wounds.

He looked to his left, the digital clock said it was 01:27. Red. It had a red light too. Everything was red.

Another attempt of trying to cut the rope would only make him weaker, making it possible to be falling asleep too because of his bloodloss.

"Give up. Let death take over, you've fought long enough already." Her voice rings in his mind.

After all the mind games they played on him, he couldn't defy reality from fiction anymore.

Did she really say that? She didn't care for him at all. All those past years were make belief.

He was right. He was right all along. He should give up.

The clock ticked away, 01:06. Time seemed to not matter anymore. Who cared if it went backwards. He wouldn't be here any longer to question it any longer.

The soft beep that had felt like a sting for the past couple of hours had begun to grow louder.

He focused on it as he closed his eyes.

Barely noticing the loud noise coming from the hallway, he decided that it was fake and began to fall asleep.

"Oh my god. Oh no. Oh no, no, no no..." The soft beep became so loud that he couldn't make out any of the words. He recognized the voice from before.

He felt his head being lay down, then a fabric being pushed against his head wound.

He heard another drop fall, one after the other.

With much needed strength, he opened his eyes to see the silhouette of a person bowing over him and the bright numbers on the clock. 00:09.

He gulped from the sudden pain in his head and pushed himself upwards in shock, he thereby pushed the silhouette away too.

The loud beep became insanely loud. The red lights were replaced with a white light, then pitch black.

• • •

"Holy shit, what the fuck was that?" The dark brown haired police officer exclaims in disbelief of what he just heard.

Like him, the whole city had heard the loud bang and woken up from their sleep.

Working the night shift, he had the duty to go and figure out what it was.

Running to grab his jacket from the coat rack, he looked over to the rest of the police getting ready too.

Staring at the empty desk in front of his, he was even more worried.

Walking outside the department together with his colleagues, he noticed Robbins in front of him.

Noticing him, she exclaimed in shock; "That most definetely was an explosion."

"Anyone with a brain can figure that out, question is where it happened." Reed sassily remarked, which earned him an eyeroll from Robbins.

"People have already called reporting the loud bang, most calls coming from Smith Street. That's where we are headed." She answered him while fiddling with her car keys to unlock it.

"Can I drive with you lot?" A voice from behind them asks. Turning around, they revealed themselves to be a blonde police officer. His hair hanging loosely in front of his face, he seemed to be shocked by the explosion as well.

Unlocking the door, Robbins quickly answered with a "Sure, hurry up."

Arriving at the location, Reed immediately noticed the fire and broken down flats. This was a big bang.

"Holy shit, how many people must be injured?!" Robbins exclaimed worriedly.

"These flats are owned by rich investors, almost all of them are supposed to be empty. I don't think there will be any or no victims." The blonde police officer answered.

Reed looked at the officer briefly, noticing that the man was staring at the buildings in deep thought.

"Still should call ambulances, you never know. Homeless people might have slept nearby." Robbins answered with her eyes on the road, handing Reed a phone and telling him to call the hospital. Reed nods.

A large crowd had formed in the opening of the block where the explosion had happened.

Turning off the engine, the three stepped out the vehicle quickly. Walking past the police officers who calmed bystanders down and started to hang up red and white barrier tape.

The fire department had taken half an hour to calm down the fire, and with a gas mask the group walked towards the building which looked the worst.

A group of colleagues who drove in a different vehicle joined them, one of them Reed recognized to be LT Anderson.

Since Reed had always had the urge to show he was the leader of a group, he liked to rub it in Anderson's face whenever he could. Thus taking the lead, Reed walked towards the barely intact staircase while the rest of the group inspected the ground floor.

"Where do you think you're going?" A deep voice called to Reed. He snickered. "Upstairs, need a pair of glasses? I thought you weren't that old."

Anderson sighed. "You're not going anywhere near the crime scene without a supervisor." The man brushes his shoulder against Reed's as he walked past him.

"I don't need a supervisor, especially not if it's you." Reed, annoyed, followed Anderson upstairs.

The walls were coloured black from the fire, the wood holding the place together was coloured dark too.

To think this place was once worth millions and now had the same worth as a downtown house was crazy.

Rubbing his fingers against the floor, the ash sticked to his gloves. What most likely had been a bomb, had done this place dirty.

After having searched this floor too, Anderson walked further up the stairs.

They did not need to open the door since it had been blown away.

The scene was gruesome. Blood everywhere, furniture thrown around the room and on opposite side of them they found the wall had been broken down completely.

This was the first time Reed had seen such a thing. Looking over to his right, he noticed someone laying on the floor.

His seemingly laid-back and sassy personality had turned around completely in that moment.

Anderson cursed under his breath, walking towards the limp body to investigate.

Reed followed hesitantly. Walking closer, he noticed that the figure was sheltering over someone.

"LT Anderson, here to report there were victims on the second floor. Back-up needed."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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