Chapter 1

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Emma looked across the green space to see a boy her age standing behind his father. The father was a not very tall but his hair had given him an extra inch at least because it stuck up like a haystack. Emma wasn't afraid of the boy,but his father was deeply intimidating. Once she looked up at her father she knew that her knew that man. But did she?truth was that she did, as soon as she looked up at her father she knew that he knew the very intimidating man. As if right on que her own father walked over to the man. Emma's dad wan't particularly tall but either but her was still very intimidating in other ways, for instance his eyes were sea green like her own. He also walked with confidence that one day she hoped to have.

"Leo" her father called. Leo? she wondered,she'd heard of how her parents friend had helped them save the world only to be missing for a year on some island that only men could travel to. Could this be that Leo? The man she believed to be Leo, was speaking to a beautiful woman that smelled exactly like cinnamon and exotic spices, turned around and a gigantic smile lit up his face and he and the woman traveled towards them. Emma's father shook hands with the man her father had called Leo then he motioned to herself.

 "Leo" he said "This is my daughter Emma" she could tell that he had pride in her

 "Well you certainly look like your mother" Leo said "and speaking of which, where is Annabeth,Percy?" Leo asked.

 Now she knew this was the Leo that her father spoke so highly of."oh Annabeth is off talking to Piper" her father explained. Then Emma noticed that Leon wasn't with his parents,even though she, Jasper,Leon and Hank had been friends since birth, she still found it weird that her wasn't already talking her ear off.

 "Where is Leon?" she asked Leo curiously while looking around.

 "hmmmmm it seems that he has disappeared" Leo said also looking around then looked directly at her.

 "why don't you go find him?" he said with a wink, and with that she left to go find her best friend.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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