Chapter 5

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     I wake up and get up. Then I get up everyone else. "It's like four in the morning why are we up?" Harry asks, sleepily. I look at the clock. "Harry, it is 9:00AM. What are you talking about four in the morning?" I ask. "I was hoping you'd fall for it, and we'd be able to go to sleep again." He says. I laugh. "Yeah, time is the one thing I'm good at." I say. "Then what time is it?" He asks. "9:17AM." I say. "How'd you know?" He asks. "I can read a clock." I laugh. "So what are we doing today?" Zayn asks. I shrug. Everyone else but Louis says they don't know. "We should go to the park and then come back eat supper, and then hear Aria sing." Louis suggests. "Aria sings?" Niall asks. "Yeah she does! She's amazing, like, she could be famous!" Mya says. "Oh my gosh, yes. All of you have to hear her. Can you say amazing?!" Laura says, excitedly. "Amazing. That wasn't that hard. Come on try it- amazing." Louis says. Everyone starts laughing and saying amazing. I laugh again. Then my smile half-way goes away. "Thanks Mya and Laura, but I'm not good." I say. "Then why does everyone love you?" Mya asks.

     "They don't love me." I say. "Parker seemed to love more than your singing, too." Laura says. Zayn sits up in his chair. "Parker? Who's Parker?" Zayn asks. "This dude we met in an alley. It's nothing. We barely know him." I say. "Seems like somebody likes you." Liam says. "He does not." I say. "He totally does." Mya whispers. "I can hear you, you know." I say. "I didn't say anything." She says. "You totally did." I whisper. She smiles and throws a pillow at me. I catch it. "Nice try." I laugh. We decide to go to the park like Louis suggested. We all get ready and walk to the park. We pretty much separate. Harry and Mya go do something together. Zayn and Liam run around and then go do something. Laura and Niall go sit on a bench and talk. Which leaves Louis and I together. I'm wearing a ball cap, a striped shirt, Louis's suspenders that he gave me, green jeans, and tennis shoes. Me and Louis walk around for a few minutes and just talk.

     Louis and I start to swing on the swings. "I love swinging." I say. "Me too, it's like I'm flying but on a seat." Louis says. "When I was young I would jump off the swings with my friends and it'd be so fun." I laugh. "Well let's do it." He laughs. "You're serious?" I ask. "Yeah, on the count of three." He says. "One." He says. "Two." I smile. "Three!" We say and we jump off the swings and slide in the sand that the swings sit in. We both bust out laughing. Barely anybody is at the park, I don't even see Mya, Laura, and the rest of the boys of One Direction. We start walking again. I sit down on the merry go round. He starts to spin me. I start to move and I fall on the ground. "Are you okay?" He asks. I start to laugh and then he does too. He holds his hand out to help me up and I take it. He brushes sand out of my hair. "That merry go round is evil." I laugh. "You sit, I spin." I say. He sits down in the middle and I spin him. We both start laughing for no reason.

     "Jump on." He says. "Who will spin it?" I ask. "Okay spin then jump." He says. "You sure about that?" I laugh. "Come on." He holds out his hand. I spin the merry go round and jump on. I take his hand and scoot up to the middle and sit next to him. "Hello." He says. "Hi." I laugh. We spin for a while. "Oh a see saw, come on." He says. The see saws here are red and then have a duck seat on each end. It's made for younger kids. He sits on one of the ducks and I sit on the other. We go up and down. "Where's everyone else?" I ask. "I don't know." Louis says looking around. "Oh well." I say. After a little while we get up. "What's that?" He asks walking over to a tire swing, where it can fit two or three people and you stick your feet in the hole and the dangle directly downwards. You can't stick your feet out to the side or you'll hit the edge of the hole opening. "A tire swing." I say. "Never seen one like this before, wanna swing?" He asks. "Yeah." I say.

     We sit down and start swinging on the tire swing. We laugh at pretty much nothing. The rest of them come up to us after a long time. Harry and Mya holding hands. Niall and Laura are on separate sides of the group. "We've been here for a long time. Supper?" Niall asks. I look at Louis and he says, "Okay." We walk home. I cook them supper and then we all eat. We all sit in the living room. I sit next to Louis, Mya sits on the other side of me with Harry on the other side of her- we're all on the same couch. Zayn and Liam on the other couch and then Laura and Niall in different chairs. After a few minutes Laura puts down her food and then walks outside. I immediately stop eating and put down my food and get up. "Should I go or should you go?" Mya whispers. "Just let me go." I whisper. Louis looks at me as I walk out.

     Laura's on the other side of the road already sitting on the edge of the sidewalk. I walk over and sit next to her. "You okay?" I ask. "Niall doesn't like me." Laura says. "I'm sure he does." I say. "He likes you, Aria. You should know that. He told you. He kissed you. And he makes it obvious." She says. "Laura, I'm so sorry. How'd you know?" I ask. "He told me." She says. Tears slide down my face. "I'm sorry, Laura." I say. She hugs me. "It's okay. Boys will be boys, it's not your fault. You're still my best friend and my favorite cousin. Plus Zayn asked me out, I said yes. Niall was the one upset. He found a girl though, her name's Maggie and he hopes to get over you, so he won't get in the way of you and Louis." She says. I scoot back to where my back is at the front of her house and put my head on my knees and start to cry. "Did you like Zayn or Niall?" She asks. "I guess I liked Niall a bit, but I feel horrible." I say. "Come sit on my steps, I can cheer you up." She says.

     I sit on her steps and she sits next to me. "Shouldn't I be cheering you up?" I ask, wiping my tears. "You're the one crying. I have a boyfriend- Zayn Malik! You're the one sad." She says. "I feel absolutely horrible." I say. "Let's sing one of your favorite songs by Bridgit Mendler." She says. I laugh. "Come on, it'll make me happy too." She says. "Fine." I say. "I'm the kinda girl who doesn't say a word. Who sits at the curb and waits for the world but I'm about to break out, about to break out. I'm like a crook tonight." We both sing. We get up and dance and sing loudly the whole song: Ready Or Not, by Bridgit Mendler. A boy comes up behind me and scares me. "Your singing is awesome." Parker says. "Thank-you Parker." I say. "Oh, I should get back to Ernie. I hope to see you soon." He says. "Yeah, totally." I smile. He waves and runs off. Laura and I go back to my house laughing, and everyone's smiling. "We heard you two singing and saw you dancing." Harry says. "We'll be here all week." I say. Laura and I bow. "You do sing amazing." Louis smiles. I smile back. We all get ready for bed and sleep on the floor again, we're all tired out and go to sleep once we lay down.

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