Late Night Gaming Session

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It was late one Friday night and Nick had been lonely in his room all night His boyfriend, Karl was out getting them a late night dinner and snacks for the couple and refused to take Nick with him. Karl had been gone for almost twenty minutes now and Sapnap was getting quite worried. Karl was pretty quick when it came to snack runs, that's why Karl was always the one to go. Nick reassured himself that Karl was alright and decided to play on his switch until Karl had made it back home.

Ten minutes later Nick was still playing on his switch and was about to rage quit Mario kart when Karl walked into his bed room. "Love, I'm homee~ " Karl said in a sing-song tone as he made his way over to Nick with a soft smile on his face, setting the bag of snacks down on the bed next to them. Nick looked over at Karl and set his switch down after pausing his game and wrapped his arms around Karl dramatically. "Babyyyyyyyy" Nick whined into Karl's neck, with a soft smile on his face as he kissed Karl's neck sweetly. Karl patted Nicks head with a smile and said "Sappy~ The foods gonna get cold if we don't go eat now." Nick groaned and slowly began to pull Karl off of their shared bed and into the hall, Karl smiled and walked along with Sapnap down the stairs and to the kitchen, making sure to grab the bag of snacks before they left the room.

When the couple had made it into the kitchen, Karl let go of Nick's hand and set the snacks down on the kitchen island. "What do you want first love?" Karl asked turning to look at nick with a smile on his face. Nick turned to Karl and shrugged "I dunno..You pick" Nick said as he sat down on the kitchen island in front of Karl. Karl then waddled over to Sapnap and wrapped his arms around his lovers waist with a soft, loving smile painted on his face.

Sapnap patting Karl's head, grabbing the bag of snacks that had been sat next to him on the kitchen island and began rummaging through the bag to find something sweet. A few seconds later he'd found a watermelon flavored sucker and unwrapped it, beginning to suck on it. Nick smiled at the familiar flavor he hadn't had in quite a long while, pushing said sucker to the side of his mouth so he could still speak. Sapnap listened to the soft, familiar melody that drifted out of the brunette's lips, playing with his sleeves as he did so. Said familiar melody sounded way to much like 'Turn back time' -By Derivakat and Sap let out a soft laugh that almost sounded like a sigh.

Once the pair had decided what they were going to do first, they put said plan into action. Sapnap went into the living room and set up a little fort like thing on the couch with blankets and pillows, trying to pick a movie for them to watch while Karl stayed in the kitchen heating up their dinners. Once he was done with said dinners, He made about 2-3 bags of popcorn as they went through it very quickly when they watched movies. 

When Karl had finished making everything he grabbed their food, the bag of many many snacks, and the popcorn, walking into the living room and setting the stuff he'd brought in on the long glass coffee table that sat in front of their 'fort'.

|| A/N: So, I've had this idea for a looooooooong time, and i've just kinda left the dsmp fandom. Of course, i'll still write one shots for this book(even tho theres like none) I really don't like this idea very much anymore, but you guys deserve a small filler until i'm finished with the upcoming one shots for this book and the other books im working on, i.e: The norray one shots and the X Readers. This has been in my drafts for sooooo long and it's quite annoying. I apologise for the inconvenience, and hope you all have enjoyed this short draft i've been working on, along with the upcoming one shots i'll write in the future. ||

-Your author, Boo <3

Word count: 724.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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