Rules, Yes we gotta go through this

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1.  If you wish to play your own Original Characters or OCs you are free to do so just let me know ahead of the time just as long as they arent mary , or gary sue or dont make them godmodding

2. This is a descriptive roleplay , so be prepared to write alot , i usually write more then the limit so i will ask you to see how you rp to see if you can Rp descriptive  usually third POV
3. Smut can and will happen if you are not comfy with this you are free to leave at any time
4. If you have any ideas for the rp for plots and adventures or character development , idea for dates etc please share them L
5.if you are interested PLEASE DM ME , thank you

Kuvira's Second Chance; A B X G Legend Of Korra RoleplayWhere stories live. Discover now