Chapter 2.7

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Chapter 2.7

"Rise and shine Silver! You're wasting the day away!" I groaned and rolled over to see Bates standing above me. He was looking down on me with a goofy smile on his face. "Nice tattoos by the way." I shrieked and pushed him away from me. "Yo, easy, I'm not gonna tell anyone." I quickly walked across the room to pick up the helmet that laid on the floor and shoved it back on my head.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded. I crossed my arms defensively and glared at him from behind the helmet.

"I came to tell you that they are having a meeting in the Market Square, and my dad wants you to attend. You know, I thought you Riders were conditioned to wake up at the crack of dawn. It's already, like, a couple hours into the day."

"I was tired. I did save your neck yesterday," I muttered. I stood in front of the door to block Bates from leaving.

"Chill out girl. I'm not going to tell anyone about your situation. So what if you betrayed the Lands and are probably the most wanted person alive. Right now, the Lands are in a mess. Maybe we need a little bit of your crazy to shake things up and fix everything."

"I'm not crazy you know. This was all an accident. I didn't mean to be a traitor."

"And I didn't mean to be almost executed. Things happen. You don't seem like a bad person."

"I'm not." He laughed.

"Well, like I said, your presence is requested in the Market Square. Your Dragon is already there waiting for you."


Yo. What's up?

You just let Bates into Rosie's house!

Yeah. He said that he we were wanted in the Market Square, so I went ahead.

You didn't think that it would be wise to warn me? Bates just saw me!

Were you indecent?

No, but he saw me without the mask meaning he saw the tattoos!

Crap, now we need to find a way to take him out. We can dump him somewhere in the mountains and let the wild animals take care of him.


Relax, he already guessed something along the lines. We talked a little bit, and he just kind of guessed that you were an outcast. He swore that he would never tell anyone anything though. We'll just have to trust him for now.

"Hello, Silver? You good?"

"Huh, yeah. Just talking to Adonis."

"Ah, that magnificent golden Dragon. You didn't tell me that he was gold. He puts my own grey Cain to shame. Don't tell him I said that. He gets jealous really easily."

"Your secret is safe with me as long as you keep mine."

"I already said I'd do that, but I guess I can say it again if you want me to. Your secret is safe with me. Happy now?"

"As happy as I'll ever be about this situation," I muttered.

"Nice attitude. Now come on. My dad hates to be left waiting."

"Fine," I answered. I took off my helmet and glared at Bates before throwing on my cloak. I pulled the hood well over my head to cover my face and followed Bates out of the door. We started heading for the market square, and I noticed that it was still very quiet in the village. As we got closer, I noticed Bates was beginning to smirk. "What?"

The Golden Rider Book 1: The Golden TraitorWhere stories live. Discover now