Chapter Twelve: The Scarab

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When the sun has risen, Sef, Asad, Malik, and I meet up by the stables to ready our horses for departure. Al Beri instructed us to leave for Egypt as soon as possible. Our mission is of an urgent matter, therefore he will only send out his best, most trusted men. Some of our brothers have been missing for a while now and our scouts have finally discovered their suspected location. Our job is to free them and bring them safely home.

Medina and Seferi, Malik's wife, have come to say goodbye to their loved ones. This journey will be a long one with no possible way of knowing when we will be able to return home.

Malik pulls away from his embrace with Seferi.

"Finish up your preparations. We leave in ten minutes," He firmly instructs, keeping his eyes on me.

Leaving to go on a mission with Malik is not something I look forward to. He likes to be in control, but that does not mean that he knows best. Which for him is hard to understand and admit.

Team efforts are usually not my thing, unless I have Asad and, since recently, Sef by my side. We have proven to work well together, and I trust both of them with my life. They are bonds not easy to find.

Sef gently pats the flank of his brown steed before mounting his saddle. As the youngest member of our team, he seems the most eager to leave.

"I am ready if you all are."

Asad has a hard time letting go of Medina. This is the first time since they are an item that he has to leave her for an uncertain amount of time.

Medina looks up at him with tears streaming from her eyes. Embracing her tightly, he speaks soft words to her ensuring her he'll come back safely. I have never seen my brother this torn and would not even be surprised by him saying he will not go. But he is an Assassin, and this is what our women have to deal with.

I tie up my last bag onto Berlo's back and look around to check if I haven't forgotten anything. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a woman, dressed in a long white dress, fitted tightly around her body. A gold headband is worn in her dark brown hair which is hung loosely over her slender shoulders. Looking up I see it is Lusia, holding a gold-plated object in her hands.

As she is greeted by my brothers leaving the stables with their horses, I quietly stand, crossing my arms, and wait for her to speak.

"...I am sorry for running away last night."

Letting her words sink in, I nod appreciative of her apology and grab Berlo's reins.

"Well...thank you for that," I say and start leading Berlo out of the stable.

Frowning she stands before me blocking my way.

"Is that it?"

"Should there be more? We kissed, and you ran away without a single word. I think it is pretty clear that it was a mistake."

"I did not mean to run."

"Did you mean to stay then? Because I have to admit, I do not understand the intentions you have."

Ashamed, Lusia looks down at the ground fiddling with the thing she is holding in her hands.

"I gave you a chance to go home, and instead of telling me what you want to do, you kissed me and ran off. What am I supposed to make of that?"

"Well, maybe just that. That I do not know what I want..."

Her emerald eyes gaze up at me and I feel myself crumble seeing her upset. Berlo notices also and nudges her with his snout making her smile, and strokes his nose.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2022 ⏰

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