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(At lunch)

Satowa's POV 

Hey Kudo-Chan what's new hmm? Hey do you like anyone Kudo-Chan?

Kudo's POV 

Nothings new and yes I like someone.

Satowa's POV

Oh ok I say while slightly blushing. Well can I sit with you Kudo-Chan?

Kudo's POV 

Sure Satowa.

Satowa's POV 

Thanks Kudo-Chan I say while blushing a little bit more.

Kudo's POV 

Ugh why she blushing hmm i got an idea to get her to stop blushing at me. Hey Satowa I like you but just as a friend because I'm gay.

Satowa's POV 

My heart breaks as he said that oh ok Kudo-Chan I say while forcing a smile.

Kudo's POV 

Thanks for supporting and understanding my decision Satowa.

Satowa's POV 

No problem Kudo-Chan by the way do you mind me asking who you like?

Kudo's POV 

Um sure I'll tell you but don't say anything to him about it ok. K she replies. It's Kurata I say while blushing.

Satowa's POV 

Oh my heart sinks deeper the boy I dispise he likes ugh could this get any worse.

Kudo's POV 

I see Kurata walk by hey Kurata do you wanna sit here and eat lunch with me and Satowa.

Satowa's POV 

 Well I guess it got worse 

Kurata's POV 

Um sure I guess not realizing I'm blushing and sit down across from Kudo. So why'd you want me to sit here Kudo. 

Kudo's POV 

Uh I kinda wanted to get to know you. He replies oh ok while blushing I think he blushed I'm not sure.

Time skip

After school

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