Chapter 1

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My name is Alena Del Valgo, I am 24 years old and I'm all alone in this world. I literally have no one... but don't let that sadden you, I like it this way. It's better than my home life any day. You see, I didn't really have a "loving family" like most people do. Although I had a Grandmother she passed away when I was 19 and I wasn't really allowed to be around her according to my parents. What kind of people don't let their child see their Grandmother that loves her grandchild? My "wonderful" parents. I grew up in a poor family, which wouldn't be that bad since 1/3 of the world is poor... But that was not the case for me. My parents were drunkees and drugees. They never cared for me. Quite the opposite actually, I was abused my entire life. Yeah, fun right? I left home at 16 and lived with my Grandmother until I left to go to college.  Anyways enough about my pathetic childhood. Let's go on to present time.

I work at one of the most popular night clubs in Downtown Chicago

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I work at one of the most popular night clubs in Downtown Chicago. This is our uniform and I'm not really a big fan of it but whatever helps pay the bills I guess. I know it's not the best job, but the tips and pay are amazing. My boss- not so much. We'll get into that later. Just know he's a piece of shit--and we don't like him.

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"Oh, Alenaaaaa," says Rebekah in the most annoying voice

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"Oh, Alenaaaaa," says Rebekah in the most annoying voice.

"What? Here to go sleep with some more customers instead of doing your actual job?" I asked while rolling my eyes clearly annoyed by her presence.

"Morgz wants you in his office. So you can sleep with him like the slut you are."

"You know she doesn't sleep with Morgz he's an old smelly piece of shit. Plus she's not a cheap whore like you," interrupted Amanda, my other coworker. (the one I can actually stand)

"Whatever, just get to his office," she says as she laughs and walks away. 

"She seems happy than usual don't you think?"

"Definitely," I said agreeing. 

I walk to the office where I see Morgz, my boss from hell standing sitting behind his desk. 

"What'd you need Morgz?" I say with a little bit too much attitude which I know I will regret...


He walks toward me angrily and slaps my faces so hard it for sure left a mark. 

"I'm sorry"

"You should be," he says then pauses, "you know you should receive a punishment for this little stunt of yours..." 

"No... please no... not again... I promise I won't do this again..." I say with tears in my eyes. 

"Shut the fuck up and strip."

I slowly starting taking my arms out of the sleeves. Then... Morgz slaps my face again. 

"Take that face off I know you enjoy this, you just like playing hard to get."

He then takes matters into his own hands and here I am standing in my bra and underwear. You might be wondering why I'm not fighting back or screaming, running out the room, something along those lines. Well, pretty simple actually he has a sound proof office so no one will hear me screaming. And even if the door is open no body comes here. As I am mentally preparing myself for what's about to come... I see the door creek open and Morgz face turns white. At first I thought it was because he was scared someone came... but then I realized it was because he was just shot mysterious figure. As I register what to do Morgz gets shot again but this time not in the arm... but in between his eyes. Morgz drops to the floor. 


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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