Rules + Forms

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Alrighty everybody! I want to formally welcome you to the Invincible Roleplay Book! If you know me well by now, you should know that my rules are the same as in any book.

If you don't and you're new here, then hello! My rules are fairly simple and I don't believe in passwords, so don't expect there to be one. Now let's get started!

1.) Please either fill out the form OR tag me with a character.

3.) I cannot stress this enough. But please start the roleplay yourself. If you suck at starting, just tell me and I'll make an exception.

4.) Tag me after three hours minimum. If I do not reply, tag me again after an hour minimum. If I still don't reply, check my profile to see if I'm online or not. I'm probably not online, you broke a rule or things weren't interesting to me.

5.) Please write at least three detailed sentences. So please don't do one-liners, stars for actions, or just one-word responses. Do at least the following;

Example: Invincible had coward in fear at what he experienced in the city before him. His hometown, demolished and innocent lives taken away for a stupid cause. And he was the man to blame for it. Because he wasn't strong enough...

If you can't/unable to do so. Just type at the bottom of your form 'Doodlebob'.

6.) You and I both know we LOVE drama and action with a fiery passion! So help me make some drama! Don't worry on my end. I got scenarios and all of my characters come with a huge over-arcing story. But if I have a brain fart or become lost? Please put some drama or action in it. Trust me. It's possible.

7.) Smut/lemon is allowed. If our characters have sex a lot, I will warn you to stop it. Also, try to keep it tamed so daddy Wattpad don't crack the whip on us. If you're horny and want the horny details, we'll have the intercourse in the pm.

8.) I'm not a god, I can't play as every character in the roleplay. So make sure to play as characters outside of your OC and my crush. It helps advance the story and make it a little more interesting.

9.) Please enjoy the rp!


Nickname(s): [What their friends, family, and rivals call them.]

Alias: [Your superhero, villain or vigilante name if applicable.]

Occupation: [Hero, Villain, Vigilante, ETC.]






Superpower + Description: [You do not need a super power, but if you have one make it something unique and not overpowered!]


Cons/Weaknesses: [Include the cons/drawback of their powers if applicable.]




Family: [Explain the relationship with their family. It will really benefit me on how to play with those characters.]

Friends: [Explain the relationship with their friends. Again, it will help with how to play these characters.]

Rivals: [Why is your OC and their rival(s) rivals?]

Love Interest: [Explain why your OC is in love with their crush. I'm curious!]

Position: [Dom/Top, Seme/Switch, Uke/Bottom.]

Smut?: [Yay or Nay?]


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