Chapter 1

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Pov : Raino

I am Lin.P.Raino after 10years of running away my sister and I have to run away for good after all wouldn't you if marines were after you and you nearly got killed? My sister fond this boat and now we are drifting along.

"Bro what are we going to do when we reach the next island?"my sister asks,

"I don't know sis." I replay, yes what are we going to do? Then I come up with these ideas:

1.Be marines ,No way!
2.Be a villager, NO.
3.Be a pirate , Ya why not?

"I got it sis why not be come pirates!!" I shout my lungs out.
"Ya! Let's!"she says.

Pov :Raini

I am Lin.P.Raini,my brother and I have been traveling for a month now but still no island!
"Bro,are we going to die?"I ask him

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