Chapter 7- Off on our adventure

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TW: Swearing

The two slept peacefully through the night in the warmth and comfort of eachother's arms. They were happy and content and nothing else mattered in the world apart from the other. Well that was until they were rudly awoken.

Whilst the two girls were asleep, Jet and Yamcha snuck into the room, ready to wake them up for the journey ahead. Jet sighed when he saw the two together, looking so calm and peaceful. He just didn't have the gut to wake them up. Yamcha on the other hand did. Letting out a small grunt, he left the room and swiftly returned with a bucket of water, throwing it over the two girls.

They both awoke with a shock, Kyra letting out a small gasp as she shivered. "Ah fuck! Son of a bitch!" Eliza yelled as she jolted up, narrowing her eyes as she stared at Yamcha, bucket in hand.

"You needed to wake up" he shrugged as Jet held back a giggle.

"Oh I'm so gonna get you for this!" She went to pounce but Kyra gently held her hand, shaking her head. Eliza sighed. "Fine. But I'm not happy about it!"

"I don't expect you to be" Kyra gave her a gentle smile. "Come on. Let's get changed" Eliza nodded and waited patiently as Kyra went into the bathroom and got changed before going herself. She was tempted to go in with her but knew that she needed her privacy.

After a while, the two were ready after drying off.

"Right then. Are we ready to get going? We have a long journey ahead of us if we're going to Ashway" Jet informed them.

"Yes boss" Eliza huffed, prompting a stifled giggle from Kyra.

Jet sighed, rolling his eyes before leading them out of the tavern. "Right so we need to find a way to get there. Now we can either walk there or purchase a carriage"

"Can I hijack one?" Eliza's face lit up. Jet sighed, holding his head in his hand to hide his annoyance.

"No we are not hijacking a carriage"

Eliza huffed and frowned, crossing her arms. "No fair. What's the point in being a thief when there's nothing to steal?!"

"You just don't. Simple"

Eliza rolled her eyes

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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