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"Hey dad can I use the phone?"  "Sure." he called. "Thanks dad!" she called back Ash dials up Ish.Hello?" "Oh hi Ish." "Hey Ash what's up?" "Nothing really I'm bored out of my mind!" "Well I'll call you later I'm playing games with my friends in Canton." "Well ok bye." Ash hangs up the phone.she sighed 'I'm so bored.' Ash walks outside to play some football. Ash then suddenly trips."Ow ow ow ow ow ow!!!What did I trip on?" Ash looks down to see rock. "I'm gonna get a band-aid."

"Ash!" "Huh oh hey brandy." "You ok?" "Yea I guess." "Its bleeding." "You think I don't know that....." "Yea well wanna play at my house?" "Sure let me ask my dad." Ash runs in and asks if she could go play at Brandon's house."Ok be careful honey." "I will dad." "Ok let's go Brandon."  Brandon then smiles ear to ear.Ash and Brandon runs over to his house and play for a hour.Ash gets a call from Ish. "Hold on Brandon I got to take this." Ash picks up the phone. "Hello?" "Hi Ash I'm done playing games you free." "Yea just finished playing a round or two of foot ball, I got to go Brandon." "Ok bye Ash." "So what's up in Canton Ish?" "Nothing much what about in San Diego?" "Nothing big or medium." "Ha ha well my mom says I have to get going on chores." "Kk bye." Ash hangs up the phone and runs up to her room and jumps onto her room.she yawns quietly, Why does he have to be so far away.Ash picks up a picture of Ish.

Ash began to slowly cry her self to sleep.Ash's dad walks In but didn't turn on the light thinking she was asleep. "Good night sweetie." "Night dad." Ash's dad leaves and shuts the door.Ash then puts the picture away and opens her window and whispers into a can that was followed by a string to the neighbors where another can could be seen. "PST Brandon you up." "Yea you." "Well duh." "Oh right." "Well goodnight Brandon." "Night Ash."

I hope you liked the first part!


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