CHAPTER 2 (Miss her?)

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"And today's topic is..." Mr. Kim started the lesson. And this is how class went.

~Break Time~

"Hey Jimin, y/n" Jungkook said as he walked to our bench lightly smiling. "Hey kook" we both said in unison smiling. "So what are you guys doing? Shall we go to the cafeteria to grab some snacks or something?" Jungkook asked. "huh.. but what about Ara?" Jimin asked "huh.. she went with her friends." He said.

Jimin's pov:

After he said that I felt hurt. 'So he comes to us when Ara is not with him. So he uses us for his company,' I thought but I couldn't decline him because I don't want to be rude. "Okay then" I said as I stood up "uh.. you guys go. I have some stuff to write down." Y/n said but it didn't seem like she was telling the truth. She avoiding.

"Oh.. Okay then y/n" Jungkook said "but y/n.. you can do it later. Come on let's go" I said "no Jimin I have more to write, I don't think I can finish it in time so you guys go." She said and smiled. I sighed and finally gave in. "Okay bye y/n" I said and we left the class to go to the cafeteria.

Y/n's pov:

Jungkook and Jimin went to the cafeteria. I didn't want to go with him. If I am around him I'll hurt more. I can't control myself. Jungkook is acting differently nowadays so it will hurt even more.

But what I said to Jimin is not lie tho. I have some assignments to complete. But I used it as an excuse for avoiding him. So now I took out everything I wanted and started to write.

Time skip~

Bell rang signaling break time finished. I was just leaning on the table. Jungkook and Jimin still didn't return.

I sighed and sat straight. Ara passed my bench, and smirked at me. 'why should she smirk at me?' I thought. Just then Jungkook and Jimin came inside the class. I looked at them and they looked at me. I smiled back.

As usual Jungkook went to 'his place' and Jimin came near me with an angelic smile on his face. I smiled too. "Finish writing?" He asked as sitting "hmm.. yeah" I said he nodded. "Y/n my mom asked me to come early today. So I should leave before last session." He said "Oh.. Okay Chim. But everything is ok right?" I asked "yeah y/n." He said I nodded "you will be okay right?" he asked, how sweet of him. "Yeah Chim. I will be alright" I said smiling. He smiled and nodded.

Time skip ~ to the last session~

"Y/n bye, see you tomorrow!" He said "bye Chim, take care" I waved at him leaning on the locker. I was about to walk inside the class "y/n" someone called I turned to him "Jungkook?" I said "Where is he going?" "he is going to his home" "oh.. but why?" He asked "His mom asked him to come home early." "what happened?" I was trying my best to shorten the conversation with him. But he was asking more questions. "Nothing bad.. but I don't know the reason either" I said, ending the conversation. "Okay" I just smiled and went inside the class and sat in my place. I should be alone for this whole period. "Good afternoon children" Miss. Min came inside class. We greeted back and I rested my chin in my palm. She started the lesson.

Jungkook's pov:

"Nothing bad.. but I don't know the reason either" y/n said ending the conversation. "Okay" I said she just smiled and went inside the class and sat on her bench. Which has been our bench. I don't know why but I was feeling like Y/n was avoiding me. And about Jimin he didn't even tell me he is going home early. I feel bad. I too went inside the class, Ara waved at me signaling me to sit near her. I smiled and went near her and sat. Ara was speaking something but my mind is wandering to y/n. "Good afternoon children" Miss.Min said as she entered the class. We greeted her back. I turned to y/n. She is leaning her chin on her palm and listening to the class.

Time skip~

Y/n's pov:

Bell rang indicating college was over. I slowly started to pack my stuff. 'I wonder why his mom called him early all of sudden' I thought. I packed my stuff so I went to my locker to put in my unwanted books for today.

I was walking to the bus stop alone because Jimin went home. I plugged in my earphones and played my favorite song. If you wonder about Jungkook, he will go with Ara. So I didn't wait for him. I didn't even tell him 'bye' either. After all we are very close friends and/but behaving like strangers, looking weird right?

Right after reaching the bus stop, the bus arrived. I took the bus. I found a window seat , I sat and leaned on the window and left from this real world to my imagination world.

Time skip~ to home~

After reaching my home. I freshened up, and hurriedly got ready for the cafe where I work as a part timer. I'm really tired today. Last weekend I didn't have to leave so I didn't get a good rest. But what else I can do in this job pays for my needs.

"I'm sorry sir" I bowed. I was late to the cafe due to the traffic, and the bus was late. "This is the last excuse for you. If you repeat this I will fire you." The owner of the cafe said in a serious tone. "I'm sorry sir. I will not repeat this." I said, he left to his cabin. I sighed and went inside the staff room to change the uniform.

"Hey y/n!"




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