The Fairy Wheel

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Actually, Thalia was happy. She and her girlfriend went to a theme park, they had beaten up some guys who thought they could beat Thalia and Reyna in a yeet-a-ball-at-cans (Thalia forgot how it was called) game and then, they sat down at a bench and made some Camp Gossip.

 "Are you sure?"

"Absolutley. Nico is talking nonstop about him."

"But really? A son of Apollo?"

"He is everything, but like Apollo."

"Then hes a good guy."

"Oh yes. He is the head healer. And he always trys to befriend Nico and he always asks me what to do. That is so stupid! I mean, I am really the last person who can give you good advices when it comes to men", Reyna said.

"Well, in his-body-wont-fit-in-the-back-of-my-car problems you are really helpful, Rara!"

She sighed. "Thank you hun. So, what do you have?"

"Annabeth has a cousin in Boston and he is a Norse Demigod." 

Reyna choked at her coke. "She- she what?" 

Thalia giggled. "Norse Myths. Almost as complicated as Greek Myths."

"Holy Fuck. Holy Fuck. That was unexpected." Reyna laughed. Then her eyes wided and she took Thalias hand and got up. 

Here was the point where Thalia probably should have stopped and asked wheree they were going. 

But she didn't.


And before Thalia could count to three, Reyna had stopped again. This time infront of a huge Fairy Wheel.


"Oh, come on!"



"This is not fair, your last name is way too long."

Reyna giggled and took Thalias hand. 

Later, Thalia couldn't explain why she didn't do anything, but she would always say she wanted Reyna to feel good. 

Reyna would always say she got Thalia off guard, thats why she didn't resist. 

Probably both was true.

And before Thalia knew what happened, Reyna and she were sitting in a gondola. Through the fact it was a pretty small theme park, the gondolas were just made for three persons.

"You know what? Those gondolas are like 'Here be the third wheel!'"

Thalia wheezed. "Imagine my brother Piper and Leo!" Reyna nearly fell out of the gondola. 

Then the fairy wheel started moving and Thalia went closer to Reyna. She burried her face in Reynas shoulder and tried not to look down. 

"Is it really that bad?", Reyna asked.

No, it wasn't. At least not anymore. When Thalia was younger, she couldn't even look out of the window of the second roof without having the feeling of throwing up coming up but the time she spend with the hunters was good and with all the quests and hunts she got better with heights. Of course they still freaked her out but she managed to look down out of the window in the floor six (and throw up after coming down again). Now, just three meters abouve the ground, she wouldn't freak out about it. She would never admit it, but she loved snuggeling up in Reynas side and let her protect her. 

Thalia humed. Reyna smiled down at her girlfriend. The black hair tickled her neck and she felt Thalia's breath on her. She looked away and in the sky. The sun just dissapeared and the sky was painted in wonderful shades of pink, purple and orange. Reyna thought of all the sunsets she watched in Camp Jupiter but none of them, not even those she watched with Jason, were as beautiful as this one, Thalia next to her, their fingers tangled. 

When they reached the top of the fairy wheel, Thalia looked up to Reyna. "Rara?" 


"You look stunning right now." Reyna chuckled at that.

"You too Thals." She smiled down at her. "You always do."

Thalia felt her cheeks heat up. Reyna chuckled again and kissed Thalias forehead.

"How do you keep doing this?"


"I am the cool hunter punk and you just compliment me and I blush as fuck and get all flustered!" Reyna smirked. "So you are flustered Grace~?", she whispered while nearing Thalias face.

Thalias face went even darker. Her face was now matching with her darkred lipstick.

"Y-you are an idiot!"

Reyna laughed her classic dry laugh and before Thalia good think any further, Reyna kissed her. Thalias eyes shut down, her heart raced and her hands wrapped atomatically around Reynas neck. It was the first time they actually kissed. Because in fact- Thalias eyes opened and she slpped away from Reyna. 

"Nonononono-" She ran her hand through her hair. And in the next moment both of them weren't in the Fairy Wheel anymore.

"So. There were two rules for this relationship. No sex and no kisses. I thought you had enough self control for this Leuitnant Grace. And you Preator Ramìrez-Arrelano." Artemis had a stern look at her face. Thalia and Reyna were knealing before her. "L-lady Artemis-"

"Don't Grace", she sighed. "Remeber how I said I am okay with this realtionship? When it is without kisses and sex? I had a little talk wit my aunt after that. Hestia. As you probably know I really respect her opinon. And she told me that I expected to much from you two, and that no good realtionship can grow without a little showing of love once in a while. I don't know how she knows, but I think that she just have to deal more with an unhappy Hera than me. 

What I want to say... I allow you two to kiss each other. Nothing more. Still no sex." She looked at her hunter and one of her favourite mortals. 

She looked into two unbelivable happy faces. "Lady Diana? When I am back at camp, I will speak to Annabeth and the senat to create a new temple in New Rome. Thank you so much. And you don't need to worry about the sex thing. Here you are speaking to an asexual girl." Artemis gave Reyna a little smile. 

"I am so happy right now Thals", Reyna said after Artemis brought them down to earth again. Thalia looked at Reyna and kissed her. 

They were so focused on each other, that they didn't even realized that they were back in the fairy wheel.


Words: 1007   

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