How was was your day? chapter 5

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After the rejection Lily was at home on her Pc gaming setup with 3 moniters playing fortnite with Clyde and the twins. Dinner time  


It was a 1 v 4 Lincoln, Clyde, and Linka were eliminated. Lily was a streamer but not a big one she streamed once a blue moon. There were 15 watching she turned on her mic Beamed three kids till they were Knocked and then 200 pumped the next kid.. She got the victory royale. She ened her stream and then went to eat dinner.

Lynn SR: How was your day twin snowflakes.

Lincoln: The big scary man asked Lily to prom but rejected in front of the whole school.

Rita: Is this true Lily 

Lily: yes mom

Rita: First he bullies my youngest then he makes a move on my little girl

Lori: litterly he gave my only brother and his twin black eyes

Lily: I know right

Leni: But there eye isn't black 

Everyone sighed

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