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Through all the people near he knew the possibilities of seeing her are greater than ever. He knew she was among him. They say it's a small world after all. He felt certain of this because this was the same place they met. His stomach began to turn inside out from anxiousness. Most would feel butterflies, but those butterflies only come when you're happy. He felt as if his insides were being eaten by perisites. He kept his head down to avoid making eye contact with anyone, but didn't want to seem weak and timid if she saw him from a distance. He puffed out his chest and looked straight ahead. He looked through the crowd and stared through every soul. Everyone was surrounding the doors, stampieng their way out as they received their blessings. He bowed and quickly turned to make an exit. Continuing to ogle through the mass of people his eyes met hers. Through everyone's eyes hers only stood out. He wasn't able to stare though this soul. He came to be weak and vulnerable. His body became cold and mouth dry as cotton. He blinked more than once as if he couldn't believe it was her. Hands shaking he didn't know whether to turn and look some where else or test her to see who flinches first.

It's amazing how the eyes have the capability of portraying the emotions that are kept within. Her eyes were painted with a countless amount of emotions. Dead in the center of her eyes her pupil reflected happiness. That's all he wanted from her, but surrounding that happiness were vivid screeches for help. He knew she was a blissful soul. She always had a way of expressing herself distinctly. She didn't need to speak out loud about how she felt because he always knew. He once knew her.

From the corner of his lips he smirked with half a smile. He couldn't bare to give a full smile. he was afraid of her reaction. He didn't know if she would to turn and never acknowledge him. As he smirked she stared straight into his eyes. For a minute he felt time stop. He remembered that stare from the endless nights he spent with her at the peer. she clenched her first not out of anger, but distress . His mind recollected all the moments he sworn he forgotten. He hears her voice, her laugh, her constant nagging when she couldn't play her favorite song. He's suddenly walking through the memory of the first date. The nervousness she had to eat all of her food and surprised of how she did. He felt the first kiss again. It was late at night and he came by to drop of flowers. Jumping from memory to memory He found himself getting out of bed to the night when they first made love and the smell of dinner. He was reminded of the touch of her hand digging into his when they walked the beach at sundown. Summing up all their dreams, journeys, and ambitions. He began to question himself to what exactly happen.

As all these emotions filled both minds no one ever spoke. No movement was ever made. Not a single hand gesture nor wave. As if they were communicating telepathically. He wondered if they were just suppose to stare past each other as if they were no one.

Unbelievable how two old lovers look into each other with confusion. They're both terrified of each other. He knew he couldn't have these thoughts for the person that picked him up when she broke him down was good to him. He found happiness after her departure, but had a past with this old soul. He couldn't hide the feelings. after all, she was the first person he ever devoted so much to. He began to make his way towards her with every step more memories seemed to sink in. The first argument they had when she found him noticing another girl. The restless nights they spent talking about anything that popped into their minds. The beauty in their relationship was that they were true lovers, but more importantly friends. A feeling emerged where he just wanted to hold her once again and share a kiss like the first time. All the happy memories started to invade his brain.

He was getting closer and more steps were taken. He started to remember why she left and what she did to him. How she laughed as he cried. The way she forgot about him while he was holding on to her. His mind became puzzled. He started to piece everything together. She was beautiful. She was amazing. She was evil. She didn't care about him when he chased after her. Nothing mattered to her, but the other guy. She betrayed his trust, his love, and his heart. She broke him and stood there to watch him pick up the pieces never offering to help. She was always in control of her actions but never bothered to take control.

She watched his every move. As he got closer her fist became tighter. Her breathing became slower. She was taking in the moment for she knew this could be the last one. The faint cry of help that her eyes portrayed became louder and louder. Eyes widening and having a teary glaze coat around them from fear. Her mind coiled up, her eyes were crying for help because he's all she's ever wanted. He was once her happiness, but she was to stupid and immature to realize. This man was the one person that tore down her walls and helped her build new ones. He served as mentor to her. Understanding her every thought and seeing past all her imperfections. He was every women's dream, but he chose her through every women. He saw potential in her and was fond by her heavenly walk.

They stood face to face hoping one of them would say something, but neither of them found the courage to speak. He walked straight ahead making an exit. As he passed she breathed in the aroma of his cologne. The sense triggered a flash back to the night she remembered the most for he treated her like the queen she always wanted to be. That day he had went out of his way to make reservations to her favorite restaurant followed by a walk among the beach peer. What made it more memorable was that they weren't celebrating anything no anniversary, nor birthday. He told her that he just wanted to cherish the moments with her. To create the best memories possible and be sweet to his queen. That night she found herself undressed only covered by his arms in the back seat of his car. The windows fogged. There they lied together letting the moon and night stars illuminate them as they just breathed in there love. He whispered to her why he loved her and why he needed her.

The scent now gently fading she was slowly coming back to reality. She knew at that time that she needed him more than ever. She knew that she was stupid and nieve when everything happen. She rapidly turned and chased after him. Once stepping out she her head began to move in every direction. There he was sitting at a bench. She approached him and before even getting close he looked up. They froze. He said to her "I knew it was you". "How'd you know?" She replied. Her eyes still painting the same image, but she no longer had a tight fist. It was him who was clenching his fist.
"I've dreamt of this moment all my life." He uttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2015 ⏰

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