Chapter 8 - Last Chapter 🙃

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Zeyu's POV

I look at (Y/n). Her eyes are close. She look so weak now. I am hurt seeing her like this. Even I just met her yesterday, I think I'm falling for her. Hanyu ge and the others are upstairs trying to find the last doll. If we burn the last doll, (Y/n) with her twin sister and the curse. If we didn't find and burn the last doll, me and the boys will die here in the house. This is too difficult. I don't want to lose (Y/n). I want to get to know her and ask her out. After almost an hour, the boys arrived and quickly lock the door.

"She's so mad! She's still chasing us."-Mingrui

"Yeah! Ge please burn the doll now."-Xinlong

"Wait, if you burn the doll. What about (Y/n)? Do we really have to burn the doll?"-me

"You have to burn the doll. Her powers are coming on the 9 dolls she have. If you burn her last doll, she'll grow weak and die... along with me. Now burn the doll."-(Y/n)

"But (Y/n)..."-me

"All of you will die if you didn't burn the last doll. So please, just burn it! Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."-(Y/n)

I just look down.

"We're very sorry (Y/n)."-Hanyu

I turn around and I saw Hanyu ge putting the doll on the incinerator and burning it. I screamed.


(Y/n) started screaming on pain and we also heard her twin sister upstairs with a demonic scream. The fire on the incinerator dies and it's very quiet now. I started crying and look at (Y/n). Her eyes are still open but it looks like she's about to close it.

"(Y/n) I'm really sorry."-me

"It's ok! It's over now. You guys are safe now. And I am happy."-(Y/n)

(Y/n) look at Hanyu.

"You need to take Emilia and give her to the PAH. And please tell this to my dad, I'm very sorry."-(Y/n)

(Y/n) look at me again and smile.

"Before I go, I want to tell you something."-(Y/n)

"What is it?"-me

"I love you even I just met you. I know we're never going to see each other again. So before I go, I wanted to tell you that I love you."-(Y/n)

"(Y/n) I love you too even I just met you. I wanted to know you better once we are done with this mission but I never thought this is going to happen. I wish we never agreed to get your twin sister."-me

"If you never agreed then we will never meet."-(Y/n)

I think about what she said for a second. She's right! If we never agreed to this we will never meet each other. But there's another way to meet each other if we are really destined for each other right?

"But there's another way where we should meet each other if we are destined for each other."-me

"You know, mostly people are destined to meet each other. But they aren't really meant for each other. Just like us."-(Y/n)

I didn't answer after she said that.

"I love you Zeyu! I will never forget the day I met you and this day that you are confessing to me. Never forget about me ok?"-(Y/n)

I nodded. She hold my hand and kiss my cheeks. Then she slowly close her eyes and slowly letting go of my hand. I tried waking her up.


She's not responding anymore. I started crying and hug her. Xinlong patted my shoulder while I'm just crying and hugging her. I know we aren't meant to be but I'm glad that I met you. (Y/n).

-The End-


Yeah this is the ugliest ending that I've made. The boys successfully finished their mission but (Y/n) died along with Emilia. Thank you for reading this lame ass book. This is the 4th story that I've finish. The ending of my story and the real ending of the game is different. So that's all hope you guys like this. Sorry for this boring story.


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