16. Tenderness

378 43 24

Words Count - 2750
Attached Song - O Soniyo
[Surfraaz Mehta]

A new day, a new beginning...

The trees were gushing backside with a ferocious pace as we were travelling in our automobile. Her yellow curved dupatta was freely roaming outside as she rested her head on the car window pane, experiencing the gushing over breezes and the vast array of greenery. The colourful spectrum seemed to be the culmination of beauty.

Her red painted lips looked supple, posed in a heart-stealing smile. Her eyes had awe, seeing the nature and inevitably, the reason of my captivity was her. I was waiting for those red lips to spell something to nullify the silence but, the whole excursion was bereft of conversations, more like a silent affair.

We started our ride from pangoot and it's already been hours, since we are riding continuously, stopping by hotels, once in a while to fill our grumbling stomachs.

Seeing our incoming destination, I released a sigh of relief. My whole body had been stiff to an ungodly level and ached so bad. The reason was sitting for a whole day in the same position and driving.

With a veered turn, I entered our car into the thin, grassy passage that had a board displaying "Free Medical Camp, Madhubani, Bihar".

Along with a screeching sound of the tyres, I turned the car keys after halting the car in the fallow land, stretching as far as one's eye could see. Some stalls and white clothed tents were established, here and there, scattered quite haphazardly.

Seeing no movements from her side, I slightly tried to shake her arm to wake her lazy self. But, princess was indulged in a deep slumber. Jumping out of the car, I reached her side to see her eyes sealed and lips arranged in a pout as she slept. Her baby hairs were dancing around her face due to the air, whirling in uproar. Gently caressing the outline of her round-shaped face, I swiftly unbolted the door and she leaned on stomach as an after-effect.

Drowning my hand down her knees, I held her back tightly with another arm and lifted her up. Her head adjusted itself over my heart, where she resided.

People were eying us. Irritated at their constant gaze, I was bound to give them a free suggestion.

"It would be better if you can finish up setting our tent, instead of gawking at us."

"Yes sir", He mumbled, nervously before rushing out.

Within few minutes, our tent was set up by the ward boys and volunteers.Plopping down her body on the hard mattress, I strolled out to walk for a while to relax my stiffened muscles. Not before, pulling down the white curtails of our room.

The sky was void of clouds. One by one, the place was getting crowded with the increasing number of tents for doctors, who were here from all over the India for this free medical camp, specially for rural inhabitants.

The camp was to be initiated by today afternoon post lunch. Wandering around, I took in the view. The left corner was allotted for eye check up, while it's adjacent one was for cardiology Dept. The ENT specialists were on the other side of the boundary along with Dentistry Dept. A small camp was set up for oncologists and pediatrics on the extreme east.

The whole set-up was roughly alike any functioning hospital. As I was occupied admiring the set-up, I turned on my heels due to a sudden tab on my shoulder.

"Hey Ranjan" I exclaimed seeing him with Naina. Both of them were beaming at me. Engulfing me in a man hug, Ranjan smiled. I side-hugged Naina, who looked prettier,with some added flesh on her.

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